Favourite Visual Artist
DrawingWiffWaffles,TheDoggyGal,Mei Yu,AdorkableMarina
Favourite Movies
Gremlins,Little Shop of Horrors(Also my favorite musical),Jurassic Park
Favourite TV Shows
Amazing World of Gumball,OK K.O Lets Be Heroes,We Bare Bears
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
I don't listen to bands so I'm just gonna put musicals I like here: Little Shop of Horrors, Firebringer, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Sweeny Todd
Favourite Books
The Girl at Midnight, So B. It
Favourite Writers
Melissa Grey, Sarah Weeks
Favourite Games
UNDERTALE, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Telltale Games The Walking Dead, Cuphead
Favourite Gaming Platform