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Batsceba Hardy
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Celebrating Deviousness - November 2021 by team, journal

Feature: Orange + Yellow = :) by Erdbeerstern, journal

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happy Happy Birthday Lukasz aka burningmonk by Batsceba, journal

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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Photography
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (5)
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (3)
Gold Coin: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
Hype: You got hyped up! (2)
Gold Bar: Someone thinks you’re golden! (1)
My Bio

walk on
Current mood: *
Category: Life

'Cause I'm not a real street photographer: yesterday, as I was waiting for someone, with my nikon hanging around my neck, I started to take a look around. And that's how I got it. I'm a photographer of the wait. I don't look for shots. I find them in the pauses. That's why I love to take pictures in the subway, in bars: because I wait for the right shot, I don't look for it. All in all, it perfectly fits with my being. I'm motionless, it's life that changes my colour, my age. -Batsceba Hardy

perché non sono una vera fotografa di strada: ieri, aspettando una persona, con la mia nikon al collo, ho cominciato a guardarmi attorno. ed è così che ho capito. io sono una fotografa dell'attesa. non cerco gli scatti. li trovo nelle pause. per questo amo fotografare nella metropolitana, nei bar: perché aspetto lo scatto, non lo cerco. ma in fondo combacia perfettamente con il mio essere. io sono immobile, è la vita che mi trasforma, colora, invecchia. - Batsceba Hardy


I've stopped thinking. and i'm dumb waiting for the Great Mystery hug. I've been looking for it wandering about the streets in a city that doesn't belong to me, I've been looking for it letting water drop on me to shut my pain up. yet i've just met the other's rage and i've been annihilated. like i was annihilated as a child before someone raising their voice, a slap in the face i didn't understand. i'm not cut out for life. i don't have nails. i always expect understanding, explanations, love. but i can't change. and i'll keep on roaming with my disability to live, listening to the distant echo of the Great Mystery which will ease my pain. i don't know how to live but i know how to love. and i'll keep on walking trying not to to tread on the ant crossing my path.

Current Residence: Air
Favourite genre of music: all
Favourite photographer: Ansel Adams, Urs Lüthi, Yuri Bonder. Man Ray ... ...
Favourite style of art: surrealism, all
Operating System: Mac
MP3 player of choice: none
Favourite cartoon character: Corto Maltese
Personal Quote: peace and love

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
Hal Hartley, Altman
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
September 29th
Favourite Writers
Murakami Haruki, Ingeborg Bachmann
Favourite Games
life :P
Other Interests


0 min read
Mark your calendars for two weeks of outstanding world-class street photography During the festival, the calendar includes numerous exhibitions, special meetings with the public and lessons, in a setting of musical entertainment. Here’s the run-down of events you will not want to miss. Thursday 6: Keef Charles (UK), Martin Agius (Malta); Friday 7: Niklas Lindskog (Sweden), Britta Kohl-Boas (Germany) Anna Lohmann (England / Germany); Saturday 8: Pia Parolin (Germany / France) Nadia Eeckhout (Belgium); Tuesday 11: In connection Zoom John Gill (Yorkshire) and Kevin Lim (Ireland) Wednesday 12: Batsceba Hardy, Livio Senigalliesi, university professor and documentary maker Thursday 13: Stefania Lazzari (Italy), Andrea Ratto (Spain), Friday 14 Mario Mencacci Bandini, Elisa Santoro and Salvatore Uccello Saturday 15 the Alnico 2. All portfolios submitted to us will be evaluated for possible publication on our website and / or in our
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0 min read
Progressive Street is proud to announce the launch of its first International Street Photography and Art Festival. This is a prelude to more ambitious plans, and starting in 2023 this annual Festival event will be staged in various cities around the world. We can't reveal much about this inaugural Festival for now. Yet we can take enormous pride in Progressive Street and all that we’ve accomplished in just three and a half years. Our Festival is not for profit. The goal is to discover and show images that are true testimonies of our time, without cultural stereotypes. Images that are not clichés. Images by photographers who document meaningful examples of life, stripped of all artifice. Images that awaken connections, provoke insights and inspire optimism. We turn to photographers who are actively involved in daily life - yet specifically pursue street photography, documentary photography, and photojournalism without distinction between professionals and
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I don't think I'm essentially a street photographer. I guess Photography is just the way for me to express how I see things. It has something to do with a philosophical approach to reality. I have always had this way of observing reality, dwelling on details, on scenes that tell me something. Early on in my life, I felt inspired by what was around me. Eventually, I got into street photography. It was a slow process. And this happened in a city that was not my hometown, where my view got released from all the parameters and preconceptions that you naturally develop in known places. What I perceived in that new urban landscape and became the ghost I kept freezing everywhere and in everyone’s face with my shots was an intense feeling of loneliness. As a photographer, I am already used to entering the world of loneliness because I must be able to become invisible. So I found myself breathing in my own loneliness and the solitude of those around me. It is the distance between the
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Markotxe's avatar

Anche se avete abbandonato DA, buon compleanno ! :)

surfanta's avatar

Interessantissime gallerie di splendide immagini; complimenti :handshake:

EintoeRn's avatar

Just a little feature ;-)

... and coming back to your mail soon :highfive:

Batsceba's avatar
Trippy4U's avatar

So kind of you, kindest thanks...always :heart:

Batsceba's avatar

you are welcome Richard, I remember