Help Me PLZ! I need you!

2 min read

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BAStheVAMPIRE's avatar
I will do anything!
I hate my music teacher. She made a war in my head! She gave us a homework(when I heard homework at music I remained poker face) and she gave us to do a short presentation of our favourite band/singer (MCR of course) and she put us to chose ONLY ONE SONG to show our class. ONE SONG!!!!!!!
Anyway it was hard to do it but I finally chosed 2 songs

Bulletproof Heart:

PLZ help me!

And because I'm a mad someone and you are reading it anyway I'll tell you what I did today
Do you remember the panel that I was using to show my art?
Now is a poster panel.
I have: Linkin Park, Paramore, The cover of Nightmare Anatomy by Aiden, Panic! At the disco, Green Day, You me at six And 2xMCR(The black parade and danger days).
And they freak me out!
When I wake up and I see those eyes from nightmare anatomy that are like:"I wanted to kill you but you woke up"
Or when I do my homework Hayle stand in such a way that look like: "Why are you doing your homework? Listen to Paramore! Is more fun!"
And OMFG when I undress Mike from Linkin Park and Mike from Green Day are like WTF?
And Josh(YMAS), Gerard(TBP and DD) and Frank(DD) are like: "I wanna rape you right now"
And at the black parade poster there are like 14 people that are looking at me!
So I have in total 44 pairs of eyes looking at me!

And The eyes from nightmare anatomy still scare me when I want to sleep

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