BAStheVAMPIRE's avatar


Live Dreamer...Die Dreamer
13 Watchers201 Deviations


Andreea Brumaru

A Vampire's Life

5 deviations

Armata Parody:Chapter 1

Armata Parody:Chapter 1-Where I sould go?Where I am? Who I am? These are the questinos that I ask everyday And Don't have answers I feel like I don't belong to here I feel like I'm a stranger I feel... Different? Insane? Lost? Yes...I'm sure lost I don't know but... Everywhere I go I don't feel like I sould be there I don't know where I should go Or who I really am But I'm sure I don't belong to here. ... The same dream I have everyday. But is not like a dream. It's like...Okay I don't how is like but for sure isn't a dream. I am different from the others. Why? Because I don't know my parents. Because I don't know my past. Beause I'm endow...

Armata Parody

2 deviations
Cute Poison


81 deviations

Sea's Adventures- Chapter 1

It was a sunny day at Ancuta's Inn and equerry Ionita has ended his story about his horse. Equerry Ionita made honor drink for all the people, but then a blonde woman, whit grey eyes like storm clouds has entered in Inn with a mysterious air. "I heard you're story"the woman said"is a little good" "Hey! What's you're name and do you have a story for us?"equerry Ionita said "Name's Sam and yarr...I hav' a more good story"the woman said At this words and at the sailor language all were curious about the story. "What yerr story about"equerry Ionita asked trying  to speak like the woman but failing miserable. After this question witch was waite...

Sea's adventures

1 deviation

Sweet Revenge- Chapter 2

                      A ittle describe of me and my Best friends "Andreea! Wait!" someone shouted behind me and I waited. "What are you doing Leo?"I asked a question that I already know the answer "What do you do now...go home" Leo is a little sarcastic sometimes but he is my one of my four bestfriends. My bestfriend are: Rosy, Angel, Leo and Leo. I know that I said two times Leo but the oddest part is that Leo and Leo look the same, they have about the same name(this Leo is Leonard Michal Iceland and the other one is Leonardo Rafael Iceland. And before asking they have never meet, let alone be brothers. So I'll call the one from school Le...

Sweet Revenge

4 deviations

Love the Way She's Death

3 deviations
I'm leaving the dark side


4 deviations

Like I care how is named

75 deviations
Our Teacher


12 deviations

Evil VS Good

1 deviation
Mallory Knox


7 deviations
Gerard Way

Not Mine

21 deviations

A story about a normal girl...or not-Chapter 1

"And this is ..." Bla...Bla...Bla...This is all I hear from the math teacher. I feel asleep everytime he is talking. "......" Ahhhhhhh...finaly silence...Wait!... Silence?...In my class?...I looked around...I was alone...and on the walls were writted a lot of things with a red liquid. "Soon...Soon my daughter..."someone was an evil voice. "W-Wha-tt?"I murmured. "Soon...Your destiny will begin..." "Miss Mistery"I heard another voice...I think I heard that voice before. "Soon..." "HELENA MISTERY!!!" I opened my eyes(now I observed that I closed my eyes). "Are you alright? You lokked like you were in a trance." so that was Mr. ...

A story about a normal girl...or not

1 deviation