Madness: - Can be understood only by mad people
- is not a state of mind
- is a place
- is different for everyone
For you is madness, for me is nightmare.
I live in a madness. And what? Just because I'm mad don't mean that I'm not a person like you.
For you and other people, you are a normal person. But don't you think that if you are normal you are boring and if you were a mad person your life would be more interesting? Is more good to be a mad people with an interesting life that a normal person with a boring life.
You just called me a mad person. You call it a mad person, I call it a person that can understood something that you don't.
I don't fucking care that you think that I am a mad person. I don't care if you think that I will die from my madness. At least I will die in my world, not this ugly world what I am not understood.
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