Card For Caseybastett on DeviantArt

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bastett's avatar

Card For Casey



Took me 3 hours to finish and ... I realized that "friend" was spelled wrong.  This took me 3 HOURS!!!  Gah!!!  Oh well.  I can't fix it now but it's not being published so .... forgive me.  Honest mistake.

But this was a card for a friend of mine who is recovering surgery this week.  She's a big fan of my work and loves to get my inking above her bed. 

The concept was loaned to me by my art teacher, Ann Amies.  She taught me so much.  Every year she makes a Christmas card much like this where you fold the card like a small card with 4 squares and you fold it back out and draw the card in a circular fashion so you read it as you unfold it.  She's quite clever.  I drew this for my friend because she loves my inking. 

My cat was really into the draw so I put her in the upper left hand corner.  I couldn't figure out what to put in that corner so I put Kira in there.  She's a sweet girl, always eager to help and make you happy.
Image size
1032x1342px 1.78 MB
HP Scanjet G3110
Date Taken
Feb 26, 2015, 6:07:22 PM
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MistressLegato's avatar
Very nice! A sweet gift!