Day3 Biology 2021basiliskFree on DeviantArt

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Day3 Biology 2021



Day 3: biology

Well there are many Aliens in the Universe I’m only building four, and made an Universe reason for that meet space’s extremophiles. Beings that (decided by the Ambassador but that they don’t seem themselves as part of) are too dangerous to interact with most other aliens.

Humans: pictured is Hypatia the main character of the novel and an example of the current generation of humanity known as the Torch generation. all of which are genetical modified do to the fact that the change that a wild type human baby without these modifications had only a 1% change of seeing their first birthday; do to environment damage. The Torch Generation is highly resistant to radiation, and in general hardier then a wild type human. Though their immune system and much better DNA repair systems means this group has some interesting new autoimmune disease and radiation resistant cancers. It’s thought that the Torchs will have longer lifespan then the humans that came before but as the oldest are only in their 30s this has not yet been seen. There are still Wild-type humans on earth mostly know as the Ember Generation. Hugo is part of this group, most still living have gone through gene therapy to help deal with living on a very broken Earth.

Culturally humans are really, really tried of war and have been putting their energy into fixing their planet and getting into space, finding aliens was a bit of a surprise. 

 Lamps: I’ve made some detail posts about Lamp biology before so here is some more general notes. Lamps are “Warm  blooded” but run a bit hotter then a human. They are deaf (outside of doctors  that use sound to hear problems) at least when it comes to physical Sound waves and using the Electromagnetic spectrum for most of their seeing/hearing needs. They tend to be very quiet, the only sounds they normal produce being A) footsteps B) happy beck grinding C) Sad harmonica noises when they have trouble breathing through their cooling system. They do have a strong sense of smell (stronger then a humans) that uses the same cooling system as an entry point.  they can see with their skin and mimic the colour patterns around them when stressed.  Lamps are pretty much 90% eyes in a lot of ways, though the thing that reads as an eye to a Human is the lamp they named for, and is  use in  signaling and lasering.  Lamps Also don’t reproduce Sexual or even really asexual so don’t have much concept of gender or sexual, though they can form strong romantic bonds 

Aniryu: Picture is a Larger Worker Aniryu (call a Earth-Carrier) She’s one of the largest castes only surpassed by a Queen (All-Carrier) in the eusocial species.  Aniryu have an exoskeleton but this is covered in a layer of skin and fat. After the Young Aniryu pupinids only the mandibles remaining outside this fluffy covering. This helps the Aniryu continue growing to their larger size and makes it much easier for them to heal. Aniryu are also one of only two aliens known to Cry emotionally, the other being humans. In fact they  share enough other traits with humans (like Jogging just being a thing both find fun) that the Ambassador that original was filing information about the Aniryu just thought is was a planet of more humans but with more legs.

Ambassadors: Pictured is a nude Ambassador who finds this very embarrassed  as this large slime mold like mess of flesh; normal mimics other alien races. Do to this and the fact Ambassadors are some of the oldest live in the universe (only Lamp are older though the Ambassadors don’t think they should count) they act as the center of the interstellar government helping other species find new world, defuse wars and share technology. Ambassadors intelligence is tied to their mess and will lower to the point of non-sentence if they get too small. Most though have something like a black box inside their flesh that acts as a back up brain in these cases. They don’t reproduce sexual kind of… adult Ambassadors will go back to whatever planet they where born on (with is just  a planet sized Ambassador) and cut part of themselves of into a big pool of genetic slurry goop that is mixed together before Black Boxes are dripped into the goop and layered kind of  like making a candle. The Strongest goop usually floating to  the top of the pool and are layered onto the new Ambassadors.

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