I am a writer, crafter and hopefully one day, an artist! I don't care if the art is old, new, your OC or fanart. If it's good, it deserves praise! Art in all forms needs to be celebrated!
My amazing icon is by @ScaredPrince, you need to look at their gallery (ahhhh its beautiful)!!!
The inspirations...
:iconnunzies: :iconwitchycorpse: :iconDottea: :iconPANS0L0: :iconpersian-pirate::iconPrinceCanary: :iconCanaryko: :iconmorteraphan: :iconfiorellacogliandro: :iconAerynnn: :iconDecora-Chan: :icondanicat91: :iconJammyScribbler: :iconEvening-Trash: :iconbootsii: :iconcaptnkidd: :iconfdevita: :iconundercoverghost: :iconR0BUTT: :iconfruitrunes:
Plant Dad and Drunk God
Favourite Visual Artist
Too hard
Favourite Movies
Again, too hard
Favourite TV Shows
Sumat historical or fantasy
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
A few are: Muse, Fleetwood Mac, Rise Against, The Killers, Supertramp, Queen, Radiohead, Adrian Von Ziegler, Franz Ferdinand, NightStop, Pink Floyd, Runrig, Temples, Alan Parsons Project
Favourite Books
Are you having a laugh? far too many books out there to decide that!
Favourite Writers
Bill Shakespeare, Julia Golding, Paul Stewart, Chris Riddell, Mary Hooper, Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams
Favourite Games
Oblivion, Starbound, Civ 5, Sims 2
Favourite Gaming Platform
Not used any but laptop really so I can't fairly say.
Tools of the Trade
Needles, looms, pliers, tweezers, screwdrivers and a laptop
Other Interests
I like biology, history, mythology and folklore.