Traten de ayudar en lo que puedan para que animales tan hermosos como el lobo y otros no se extingan, o por lo menos que tengan una mejor vida, aunque sea traspasando la palabra a otros.
Current Residence: Stgo Favourite photographer: nikolta =O .. Favourite style of art: Realista Personal Quote: Tengo hambre~
Felices feriados patrios~ No sé qué maldad hice, pero :iconNiaems: me tagueó... snif.
[I don't know what I did, but :devNiaems: tagged me with the hatred of her heart] yahoramismonomeimportaquenoseaunafrasequeseuse xdRules:
1. You must post these rules!
2. Answer the questions that the tagger set up for you, and create 10 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
4. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged them.
5. No tag backs!!~
6. No junk in the tagging section about " You are tagged if you're reading this. " You have to tag 10 people.The badevil q...
>> :devaikopau: umbrellas-and-apples :thumb279547352:
:thumb202555484: :thumb206973837:
:thumb188896726: :thumb255871140:>> :devmaggisakura: MaggiSakura ffnet :thumb275605989:
:thumb254567540: :thumb198272067:
:thumb171409630: :thumb254569243:>> :devkiddokun8: gengarseverywhere :thumb273158522:
:thumb302400214: :thumb296340254:
:thumb302403557: :thumb296344603:---- And I had to put this too, it's so cute! xd
:thumb296348800:Sorry, my evils, for the delay...
[Winners of the old :devspartoi-unit:'s contest ] FIRST PLACE :thumb279547352:by :iconAikopau: SECOND PLACE :thumb275605989:by :iconMaggiSakura: THIRD PLACE :thumb273158522:by :iconKiddokun8:
Thank you SO very much for adding my work to your favourites, I am glad you enjoy my work! And I wish you a fantastic new year! Feel free to pop back and visit my gallery another time as well! PS. You are awesome! <3