Zangiefbaphiste on DeviantArt

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baphiste's avatar


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I did this entirely in Krita, it's really refreshing and somewhat exciting I really enjoy using that software. I feel like I get the best response and the brushes I made for it are just so comfortable to use. The workflow is also very comfortable, I wish I could bind the Brush Opacity to 1-0 like it's on Photoshop, and gradient maps still are kinda annoying to use in here since it takes forever to apply but other than that it really is impressive the amount of work that the team krita have put and how good it is while being completely free.

Zangief was the first character I wanted to draw out of SF but he's always been a fan favorite so I didn't feel prepared yet haha or something but I'm really happy with how this one turned out.
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3749x6000px 18.81 MB
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lahunkster's avatar

Zangief: I'm feeling good before, during, and after a fight while wearing these. Heh.