Current Residence: Umm... EARTH.
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Small prolly. Maybe medium.
Print preference: Intact please.
Favourite genre of music: Just about anything that couldn't simply be called "noise."
Favourite photographer: Any of the so-called "mud-rakers" from the earlier 1900's. (is a U.S. history fan)
Favourite style of art: Dunno. Probably not photography though.
Operating System: Macintosh
MP3 player of choice: iPod
Shell of choice: Wazzat?
Wallpaper of choice: Whatever I feel like geez!
Skin of choice: Uhh...mine? Ooo, maybe Jeff Goldblum's...or Rafael Nadal's...*dies*
Favourite cartoon character: Anime Character?: Vegeta (DBZ)
Personal Quote: "If my car was a dude, life would be perfect!" (It's a 1994 Bronco btw)