Nico di Angelo and Spring TimeBananerable on DeviantArt

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Nico di Angelo and Spring Time




haha! i thought this would be a cute and funny entry for the Contest hosted by Children of the Big Three! Its just how i imagine nico in the spring time! having a rough time, especially with plants hehe. We all know that him and Persephone arent the best of pals because of Hades cheating on her for Nico's mom. So she's gonna do what a typical goddess would do. probably get some sort of revenge on his kids. haha! poor nico!

Hope yall like it
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FantasyBoudicca's avatar
I don't see Persephone doing this, unfortunately. Goddess of the spring, so she wouldn't harm her own season. Yeah, she's turned Nico into flowers a couple of times but I don't think there was really any harm meant. 

If she really hated him, Nico probably wouldn't spend so much time in the Underworld even if his dad was there. I think the relationship is more of "Don't bother me, I don't bother you" and being polite. 

Plus there's also the fact that it's been seventy frikkin years since he and Bianca were conceived, and Persephone better than anyone else would see the passing of time. No-one can keep a grudge for over seventy years especially if they know what seventy years means.