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No BG this time, probably never for this series.
Simba had been moping around for the last weeks. Mufasa had Sarabi under cave arrest, driving her nuts with his constant watch. So when Sarafina blessedly came and said she couldn't find her daughter (who, quite conveniently, was asleep up in a tree as the two had planned), Sarabi took her chance and left the cave, silently thanking Sarafina for the escape. She spotted her young son a short ways away, hurrying over to him and hugging him. "Hey, my little golden joy! How are you?" she spoke brightly, disappointment filling her features when he huffed as looked away. "Fine, I guess. Mom... am I not enough for you and Dad?" Tears filled her eyes,spilling over her cheeks and making Simba feel terrible. "Who- who said that? What did we do to make you think that!?" Simba was quiet. "Great-Grandpa Mohatu said you guys were having another cub. What did I do? What'll happen to me? Is... it going to be the future king instead?" He whimpered, snuggling into her paw. She sighed, brushing off her tears and smiling. "He is right, Simba. In about a month you will be a big brother. We decided more cubs were needed in the pride and... and I wanted another cub, Simba. I wanted the soft, fluffy fur, the baby breath... You are our perfect angel boy, nothing will ever change that. Ever. But sometimes it's best to have another royal cub.It just is. You will remain the crown Prince- this cub won't strip you of your title, I swear." She sighed. "I need to get back to the cave. I swear, your dad is driving me crazy with his constant supervision, when he ought to be teaching you!" She sighed, giving him another hug then stormed off, back to her prison.
Base (c) Disney+
Simba had been moping around for the last weeks. Mufasa had Sarabi under cave arrest, driving her nuts with his constant watch. So when Sarafina blessedly came and said she couldn't find her daughter (who, quite conveniently, was asleep up in a tree as the two had planned), Sarabi took her chance and left the cave, silently thanking Sarafina for the escape. She spotted her young son a short ways away, hurrying over to him and hugging him. "Hey, my little golden joy! How are you?" she spoke brightly, disappointment filling her features when he huffed as looked away. "Fine, I guess. Mom... am I not enough for you and Dad?" Tears filled her eyes,spilling over her cheeks and making Simba feel terrible. "Who- who said that? What did we do to make you think that!?" Simba was quiet. "Great-Grandpa Mohatu said you guys were having another cub. What did I do? What'll happen to me? Is... it going to be the future king instead?" He whimpered, snuggling into her paw. She sighed, brushing off her tears and smiling. "He is right, Simba. In about a month you will be a big brother. We decided more cubs were needed in the pride and... and I wanted another cub, Simba. I wanted the soft, fluffy fur, the baby breath... You are our perfect angel boy, nothing will ever change that. Ever. But sometimes it's best to have another royal cub.It just is. You will remain the crown Prince- this cub won't strip you of your title, I swear." She sighed. "I need to get back to the cave. I swear, your dad is driving me crazy with his constant supervision, when he ought to be teaching you!" She sighed, giving him another hug then stormed off, back to her prison.
Base (c) Disney+

Image size
682x486px 24.51 KB
© 2012 - 2025 baltoscamplover4ever
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Interesting even more. Nice.