To Aid a StarBaloogawhales on DeviantArt

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Baloogawhales's avatar

To Aid a Star

Character  Bear-Kun & Mushu


    I was thinking I'd wait to upload these until I released some Bear-Kun/Mushu/Jerry lore, but realistically I don't know how long it's gonna take before I do that, or if I even wanna unveil things chronologically, so I'm just gonna upload stuff now! That means, I've got a couple doodles and sketches that I've done and am gonna upload now! I am a dummy! 
    So, if y'all remember anything about Mushu and Jerry plot back then, (which I didn't really talk too much about, sadly,) Mushu ended up taking Jerry's old job and that created some sort of rivalry between them. Now, that plot point doesn't necessarily still stand as far as Mushu and Jerry's relationship goes, and Mushu still ends up taking Jerry's old job, but this time they do whole job swaps where Mushu had Jerry's new job! La la la la This isn't just for fun giggles--these three's relationships are very complex and intertwined with one another, and this is just another reason why, but yeah!
    Once again, I don't know these two guys' sizing in relation to one another, so this is up to change in the future, but I really enjoyed drawing this! It's just a fun little sketch I did some time ago, and since I'm still trying to understand how to draw Mushu in my updated style, it's always fun to see me draw him again!

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© 2023 - 2025 Baloogawhales
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