Living MushroomsBakenius on DeviantArt

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July 2, 2008
Living Mushrooms by *Bakenius is an absolutely amazing work of art. The magical feel and beautiful colours and sure to leave you spellbound
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Living Mushrooms


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Since my last oekaki in theme as well as mood proved to be so popular by you guys I thought it would be nice to make a sort of series out of it. The first one was about unusual trees, now the second one with… let's say, unusual mushrooms. ;) Although this one took far longer to complete than last one... it was rather hard to maintain unity between the objects here... but after a couple of sessions yesterday and this morning I think I nailed it pretty well. I hope you will think so too. :)

And well, I thought it would be fun to draw it at wallpaper size too... I don't know if that's actually done before, a wallpaper image drawn for a 100% in Shi-Painter, if not, this would be a first. Anyway, I would like to mention that you can see an animation of how this drawing came to be at OC's Main Hall page, if you're member there, that is. But at OC this image is just 400x300 pixels, so DA people definitely have an advantage too. ;)

Anyway... enjoy, and if there's enough amino I'll think about a third instalment. :)
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1280x960px 191.27 KB
© 2004 - 2025 Bakenius
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Lovell-SimonsJanet's avatar
I am off down the road
Where the fairy lanterns glowed
And the little pretty flitter-mice are flying

A slender band of gray
It runs creepily away
And the hedges and the grasses are a-sighing.

The air is full of wings,
And of blundery beetle-things
That warn you with their whirring and their humming.

O! I hear the tiny horns
Of enchanted leprechauns
And the padded feet of many gnomes a-coming!

O! the lights! O! the gleams! O! the little tinkly sounds!
O! the rustle of their noiseless little robes!
O! the echo of their feet - of their happy little feet!
O! the swinging lamps of glittering starlit globes.

I must follow in their train
Down the crooked fairy lane
Where the coney-rabbits long ago have gone.

And where silvery they sing
In a moving moonlit ring
All a twinkle with the jewels they have on.

They are fading round the turn
Where the glow worms palely burn
And the echo of their padding feet is dying!

O! it's knocking at my heart-
Let me go! let me start!
For the little magic hours are all a-flying.

O! the warmth! O! the hum! O! the colours in the dark!
O! the gauzy wings of golden honey-flies!
O! the music of their feet - of their dancing goblin feet!
O! the magic! O! the sorrow when it dies.

- J.R.R. Tolkien - 

You're wonderful work brought this poem/song to mind. Beautiful!

(Now, I hope you don't mind my sharing a link on the above subject matter that I believe is very interesting, compelling,
spellbinding and could just be exactly what humanity needs in order to help many of our most pressing problems in the world today. It is a film by Louie Swartzberg, under the title of   Do take a peek when you have a moment, if you will. )