U.S.S. Atlantis CVX-4575 new fighter baybagera3005 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/bagera3005/art/U-S-S-Atlantis-CVX-4575-new-fighter-bay-1064899929bagera3005

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U.S.S. Atlantis CVX-4575 new fighter bay




Class:                 Atlantis Class

Type:                 Tactical Carrier

Production Base:        Key West Shipyard/Poseidon Orbital Dry dock

Length:                 1222m (4009 Feet 2 Inches)

Width:                640.3086 m (2100Feet 9 Inches)

Height:                 312m (1023 Feet 7 Inches)

Mass:                 22,000,000 tons (operational)

Decks:                 45

Range:                 Unlimited distance

     Crew Complement

Total :                 2550

Officers :             150

Enlisted:            950

Passengers :             500

Fighter Pilots:             500

     Propulsion Systems

FTL Drive Type :         Quantum Slipstream Insertion Drive (Hyperspace Jump Drive)

                Quantum Transwarp Drive (Short Range FTL Drive)

FTL Drive Model:        Q.S.I.D .X200 Hyperdrive Core

                Q.T.D.  TR-42 Transwarp Core

Number :             1 Hyperdrive Core, 2 Transwarp Cores

Jump Range:             600 light year Red Line.*

(* = “Red Line” is the maximum safe hyperspace jump distance.  Further distances are possible, but inadvisable due to the risk of vessel emerging within the body of a star, planet, or other celestial body)

Warp Range:            Effectively Unlimited

Sub-light Engine Type:        Ion Impulse Thrusts

Drive Model:             Ark 245 Hyper-Ion Impulse Drive

Number :             8

Main Power Type:         Matter/Anti-matter Annihilation Reactor

Main Reactor Model:        FRAM-2020 M/A Reactor

Auxiliary Power Type:        Nuclear Cold Fusion Reactor

Auxiliar Reactor Model:         FRIF-1200 Fusion Reactor


Main Battery Type:         Superconducting Rail Gun

Main Battery Model:        M-5262 Critical Mass Cannon

Number :             8 Batteries

Range :                 900,000 km

Arcs :                 8  forward, 4 aft

Secondary Battery Type:    Phased Particle Energy Cannon

Secondary Battery Model:    Type X-2A Particle Phaser Cannon

Number :             16 banks

Range :                 900,000 km

Arcs :                 main hull module dorsal array (P/S)

                main hull module vetral array (P/S)

                main hull aft (P/S)

                secondary hulls vental array

                secondary hulls aft dorsal array (P/S)

                secondary hulls aft ventral array (P/S)

Missile System Type:        Electromagnetic Torpedo Tubes

Missile System Model:        Mark 1701E Mod 42 EM Torpedo Launcher

Number :             10 tubes

Torpedo Types:            Mark 21 Quantum Flux Warhead

                Mark 25 Quantum Zero Point Expansion Warhead

                Mark 77 Quantum Phasing Matter/Antimatter Warhead

                Mark 82 Quantum Flux Starship Seeker Warhead

                Mark 66 Photon Jacketed Matter/Antimatter Warhead

                Mark 68 Photon Jacketed Nuclear Anti-Starship Warhead

Range :                 Quantum: 8,900,100 km

                Photon: 8,000,000 km

Missile Emplacements:         8 forward, 4 aft

Point Defense Weapon Type:    Particle Beam Laser

Point Defense Weapon Model:    Mark 101 Mod 850 Automated Point Defense Laser System

Number :             60 (8 turrets of 4lasers each)

Range :                 400000 km

Arcs :                 Main Hull Dorsal Turrets (p/s)

                Main Hull Ventral Turrets (p/s)

                Secondary Hulls Lower Turrets (p/s)

                Secondary Hulls Lower Turrets (p/s)

    Defense Systems

Primary Shield Type:        Multi Layered Forcefield Deflector Shielding System

Primary Shield Model:         FSS-45 Multiphasic/Regenerative Forcefield Deflector System

Secondary Shield Type:        Multiple Layer Forcefield Deflector Shielding System

Secondary Shield Systems:     FSS-50 Primary Forcefield and Deflector Control System

Optional Shield Type:        Matter Fabricated Ablative Armor System

Optional Shield Model:        Mark 10 Mod 12 Ablative Armor System

Optional Shield Type:        Energy Absorption/Redirection System

Opional Shield Model:        Mark 80819 Mod 5 Experimental Advanced Shield Beam Array

Stealth System Type:        False Reading Sensor Shrouding System

Stealth Systems Model:         RS-500 Stealth System

     Structural Integrity Systems

Main Structural Integrity Type:     Ship-wide Hull Reinforcement Force-field Array

Main Structural Integrity Model: Class 8 Structural Integrity Force-field Generators

Auxiliary Structural Integrity Type: Ship-wide Hull Reinforcement Force-field Array

Auxiliary Structural Integrity Model: Class 8A Structural Integrity Field Generators*

(* = Auxiliary System includes emergency isolation doors to seal off  hull breaches)

Tractor Beam Systems:

Main Tractor Beam Type:    Focused Gravitation Beam Projector

Main Tractor Beam Model:     Delta-10 Tractor Beam Emitter System

Auxiliary Tractor Beam Type:    Focused Gravitation Beam Projector, with Emergency Grapnel

Auxiliary Tractor Beam Model:    Class Beta 10-G Tractor Beam Emitter System*

(* = Auxiliary tractor Beam includes a parallel mounted emergency grapnel metal alloy reel system)


Matter Teleportation Type:    Quantum Matter/Energy Beam Transporter

Matter Teleportation Model:    Mark 64 Mod 79 “Mini-Gate” M/E Beam Transporter System

Standard 6-person Units:    6

Emergency, 16-person Units:     6

Cargo Units:             8

     Auxiliary Craft Systems

Shuttle Bays :             2

Figher Bays:            6

Recovery/Landing Bay:        1

Mecha Bay:            1

     Embarked Craft

(Standard, specific ships may vary)


Shuttlepod :             20

Personnel Shuttle, Small:     30

Personnel Shuttle, Large:     10

Shuttle, Transwarp :         12

Cargo Shuttle :             10

Runabout :             8

Landing Crft (Marine) :         12


Red Kite


Hawk Class Escort


Serpent Class Scout, Courier


Liberty Class Scout, Recon


Shogun-Blade Class Scout, Attack



Perseus Class Yacht


Type 7 Shuttlecraft


Type 8 Shuttlecraft


Shuttle Pods


Atlas Class Cargo Shuttle


Falcon Scout


Assault Shuttle Craft



(Number of fighters for the battle group)

XF-400 Talon 2, Space Superiority Starfighter


XF-450 Talon 3, Space Superiority Starfighter


SF-430 Falcon, Light Interception Starfighter


XF-500 Werewolf, Heavy Assault Starfighter


XSR-19 Wolf, Medium Interception Starfighter, USS Atlantis


10  Starblaster Heavy Starfighter/Starbomber, USS Atlantis


XF -400 Talon 2 Space Superiority Starfighter


XF-310 Falcon Light Interception Starfighter


XF-105 Eagle Long Range Attack Starfighter/Starbomber


XF-500 Werewolf Heavy Attack Starfighter



Monroe-Class Heavy Drop Ships


Higgins Class Light Drop Ships


Cyclone Class Picket Ship



AVS 100            20

AST 200            10

AST-RX -M1            15

AST XR-8S            40

REX X-0 11            10


    The Atlantis Class features a high efficiency Quantum Slipstream Insertion Drive (her hyperspace jump drive), and dual Quantum Transwarp Drive (her short range warp drive).  These systems work together to give her an effectively unlimited range.


    The Quantum Slipstream InsertionDrive uses a dimensional effect to open what is known as an Einstein-Rosen Bridge, or hypespace wormhole through which the ship is drawn.  Time dialation effects in hyperspace causes the ship and crew to effectively “bypass” time.  This results in the ship instantaneously traveling from one point in space to another.  The system is fuled by helium 10, While the Quantum Transwarp Drives are powered by refined hydrogen.  When a ship jumps, it distorts the space around it and can damage other vessels that are too close.

    Navigation is very complex when using the FTL drives.  Speed, trajectory and jump duration must be carefully calculated before a successful jump can be made.  Making a jump without these calculations, can take the ship into dangerous locations such as asteroid belts, singularities, or a planet's atmosphere, or even result in the ship emerging inside the body of a star or other celestial bodies.  Because of this danger, galactic safety regulations have imposed what is known as the "Red Line."  The Red Line is the maximun jump distance that a ship can calculate without risk.  Any ship making a jump across this line is in danger of inavertently encountering unknown navigational hazards and possibly running off course due to compound errors in the calculations.  The Atlantis Class carries a “Red Line” distance of 600 Light Years.  Multiple Jumps are possible, but the Q.S.I.  Drive requires time to recharge.


The Quantum Transwarp Drive is a variant of the Quantum Slipstream Insertion Drive, but much safer.  When the USS Atlantis (first ship of the class) was launched she had standard Space Warp Drive.  However while deployed on a mission, the Lost Worlds Fleet showed Atlantis crew a new warp drive technology and thus they upgraded the Space Warp Drive to a Quantum Transwarp Drive, which allowed the Atlantis to skim the very edge of hyperspace without feelng the time dialation.  This resulted in higher warp velocities.  The Lost Worlds Fleet also added a quantum stabilizer to the Quantum Slipstream Insertion Drive.  This made Quantum Slipstream Insertion Drive more reliable than any other FTL Drive System.  As a result, the Atlantis can make hyperspace jumps with pinpoint accuracy, and can travel at warp speeds for extended periods of time.  Because of this she can get to political hot spots or battles as quickly as possible.  The Quantum Slipstream Insertion Drive is also designed to feed extra power Critical Mass Cannon and shields, enhancing their strength and power.


    Quantum Velocity    Apparent Velocity 0.9c    Approximate Warp Speed

A    6    1.7    1.09

B    7    6.1    1.57

C    8    21.4    2.39

D    9    85    3.57

E    10    262.6    7.67

F    20    919.1    9.75

G    30    3217    9.98

H    40    9.990i    39407.8

I    50    137927.4    10


    The Critical Mass Cannon is a weapon that fires a solid projectile of depleted uranium 235 to such a high velocity that impact causes a fusion reaction in the uranium pack.  A punch round is charged and then fired out of the barrel using a modified electromagnetic field generated by a superconducting electromagnatic coil.  When a projectile is fired, it is then adjusted to its target by a manipulated magnetic ball shield.  Because of the tremendous velocity, the round will not stop.   The C.M.C stiletto round, for example will go through shields and almost any matter in its way.  Because of this, the C.M.C.  is capable of firing at different power levels, giving the Atlantis the capability of controling the damage level that the C.M.C.  Will inflict.

Power Level    Damage Level

24.00%    Low power shot for rapid fire, little damage but cumulative shots can cause damage to add up, can be used to whittle away deflector shields

50.00%    Half Power shot for damaging most starships, ultralight Starships destroyed

75.00%    High power shot for damaging large capital starships, all other types destroyed

100.00%    Full power shot, capable of destroying most starships and inflicting heavy damage to space stations


C-1 Stiletto Round    Solid depleted uranium projectile

C-2 Huller Round    Solid projectile made of ultra-dense depleted uranium for penetrating starship hulls

C-3 Triple Cobalt Round    Ultra high explosive round

C-4 Quantum Flux Round    Zero point energy bursting round

C-5 Shaker Round    Seismic impact round

C-6 Dart Round    Discarding sabot armor piercing round

C-7 Knight's Shot    Fleschette cluster canister round

C-8 Archer Tracking Round    Thruster/fin stabilized guided round

C-10 Grape Shot    Solid sphere cluster canister round

CD-1 Heavy Barrel Round    Variable content canister round

     Torpedo Launcher

    Torpedo launchers are one of the oldest ship-to-ship warfare weapons.  The weapon consists of a launch tube and a guided heavy missile, or torpedo.  Torpedo launchers mounted on starships can launch any self-propelled object, and starships often use them to launch probes.  In fact, only dedicated science vessels have their own dedicated probe launchers.  Military starships use their standard torpedo launchers to launch probes.


    A torpedo tube is a compact electromagnetic railgun built into a specialized area of a starship where torpedoes are stored immediately prior to launch.  The torpedo bay and its assigned launch tubes are all part of the torpedo launching system.  The tubes could be fired either from the bridge or from a control station in the torpedo bay.

    Typically, the torpedo tube was only slightly larger than the torpedo itself.  It consists of an electro magnetic railgun tube installed between the exterior bulkhead of torpedo bay and the torpedo tube doors set flush with the skin of the starship's outer hull.  When torpedoes are loaded, the tube is depressuried, and the outer doors are opened, allowing for a smooth launch of the weapon.  Tubes also have inner doors, which protect the torpedo bay from vacuum of space.  A Torpedo or missile's propulsion systems do not activate until the weapon is clear of the tube.

    Torpedoes began as modified missiles.  The first torpedoes carried simple nuclear fusion anti-starship warheads.  However, the development of photon jacketing and matter/anti-matter explosive devices led to the real world development of the infamous photon torpedo.  Already popularized by the Science Fiction franchise, Star Trek, photon torpedoes with thier variable yeild matter/anti-matter warheads quickly replaced primitive nuclear warheads.  However, nuclear warheads are kept as backup ordnance.

    Torpedo technology soon moved beyond matter/anti-matter warheads to quantum effect warheads.  Quantum warheads come in a variety of different effects.  Starships generally carry three types of quantum warheads.  Quantum flux warheads create a small energetic zero point explosion.  These are generally used for surgical attacks requiring focussed damage with limited collateral damage.  Quantum Zero Point Expansion warheads create a massive energetic zero point explosion inflicing massive damage.  These are used for general combat where collateral damage is not a concern.  The third type of quantum torpedo is the quantum phasing torpedo.  This is a that carries a quantum phase descriminator and a matter/anti-matter warhead that allows the torpedo to phase through solid matter delivering its matter/anti-matter warhead inside its target.  This torpedo is quite useful for disabling specific starship systems or penetrating armored bunkers.


    The Shield Beam is an experimentle piece of optional equipment added to a starship's deflector shield system.  It gives the shield the temporary ability to absorb any energy directed at it.  The absorbed energy can be stored or redirected in an energy attack against other ships.  In its most basic operational mode, the system generates a modified shield around the ship that absorbs any energy that contacts it.  While this might seem to make the ship invulnerable, the amount of energy it can absorb at one time is limited.  In this mode, the system can be easily overloaded, resulting in its safety shut down trip activating.  However this mode has a secondary function that can be activated to partially negate its energy limitations.  The absorbant shield has the capability of immediately redirecting absorbed energy at other objects.  However, this does not actually truly negate the energy limitations, as the system can only redirect energy at certain specific rates.  The reflective beam mode relies on the ship's weapons targeting system to locate, track, and redirect energy at other objects.  Typically energy is stored until it reaches a predetermined level, then fired at a targeted object in a high powered beam.  The power of the beam depends on how much energy has been gathered, but the fired beam cannot be large in diameter than the firing ship.  However the redirected energy can be redirected in a short range omnidirectional blast that surounds the ship with an expanding bubble of destructive energy.  The energy of this blast dissipates rapidly, but is sufficient to destroy threatening ships close to he firing ship.

     Point Defense System


    The Atlantis Class uses a system of particle beam laser turrets.  Each turret is a self-contained, automated system.  Each turret, when activated, can automatically identify a threat, lock onto the targeted threat, and fire on it in a fraction of a second.  Each turret has its own internal computer processor that allows it to calculate the precise amount of power to put into the laser beam to destroy the target quickly and easily.

    The advantage of a point defense system over any ECM system is that it can physically intercept missiles once they have been fired, while an ECM system can easily fail if it is unable to break through the enemy launcher's computer firewalls.  The point defense lasers used by the Atlantis Class can instantly detect a missile launch, calculate the missile's course and velocity, and determine the precise time and amount of power that is needed to destroy the target before its close enough to do any damage to the ship.

The weakness is that each laser turret, can only track and destroy one missile at a time.  Recent tactical engagements have shown that volleys of 20 missiles at a time are not unheard of.  So, the point defense laser turrets are most effective when a number of ships are working together to shoot down a single barage.

When the ships are deployed in a wall formation

[--] = 1 ship

[--] [--]

[--] [--]

[--] [--]

(and so on)

    The overlapping fields of point defense fire make this system extremely effective.  In one-on-one situations, the system is proportionally less effective.  Any ship type can employ the system, but the problem is, of course, mass and power alocation.  Battleships and Dreadnoughts have a lot more room, mass, and power capacity than Destroyers and Cruisers.

    Other limitations include the fact that missiles maneuver and photon torpedoes are very fast.  It takes a sustained (albeit not long) hit from a Point Defense laser to destroy either.  This is very hard to accomplish.  A glancing hit will not destroy the target.  However such a near miss shot can disrupt the missile/torpedo's guidance system or prematurely detonate its warhead.

The point defense laser was first invented on Earth as a response to the threat of intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles between different Earth nations.  The Mark 90 was first built into starships when the Shrive War broke out in 2057 and built was into several series of ships first launched late in that year.  The initial system was rushed into production.  The lasers had an effective range of only 150,000 km, inside the 200,000 maximum detonation range of the The Shive missiles, but outside the normal detonation of 100,000 km.

    Since 2057, there have been two revisions of the point defense laser system.  The Mark 100 system was never put into production because it required significant retrofitting to enlarge capacitor banks to power the system due to the laser system's excessive power requirements.  The current system, the Mark 101 has a refined laser core and can generate either beams or pulses, and is capable of intercepting incoming fore to a range of 300,000 km.

     Drone Systems

    An outgrowth of starfighter defensive countermeasures is the drone system.  A drones is a small robotic spacecraft that attempts to draw enemy fire away from the starship which controls them by using itself as a new target.  Where starfighter defense drones used dummy baloons and low power thrusters to simulate a starfighter, starship defense drones use sophisticated ECM gear which makes an enemy starship's fire control system think the drone is any of a number of different starships.  A network of drones deployed around a starship which is itself using its ECM systems, gives any incoming fire multiple targets which it must distinguish between in order to damage the actual ship.  Because some weapons, such as photon torpedoes, use proximity detonation and never actually strike the targetted ship, point defense drones also carry powerful jamming systems intended to interfere with guidance and targetting systems and to cause premature detonation.

    In addition to the standard sensor drones, Carriers like the Atlantis Class also use starfighter dummy drones, specifically when fighting squadrons of enemy fighters.  With the jamming and counter jamming going on, dummy drones give the illusion that the carrier has launched at least twice the number of fighters she actually launched.

                                                   GFA Comlink System

    This is the Galactic Fleet's standard issue comlink system.  It consists of a flat hand unit with a fold out data input panel with an integrated hologram projector.  The central unit is basically a pocket computer terminal.  Functioning as an independent computer, it's integrated communications transceiver allows it to link to external devices and computers, thus expanding and enhancing its basic functions.  In its most basic mode, it functions as a communications device.  Communications functions can be simple two-way audio, video, or holographic.  The comlink's communications function also allows the device to send and receive data.  In its full function mode, the comlink functions as a fully functional computer terminal, accepting both voice and keypad inputs.  Data is displayed either on the screen or from the hologram projector.  The comlink is issued with a wristwatch that functioned as a remote display/input device.  This wrist terminal was meant for the convenience of using the device without having to take the central unit out of one's pocket.  The system is also issued with two different headsets.  One is a simple headset with an earbud speaker and a mic boom.  This is for field use freeing the user's hands for other tasks.  The other headset consists of an earbud speaker and a high gain antenna.  This is meant for use aboard starships.  It featured a longer range and could link to both the comlink system and external systems.  Additionally the comlink system allows the ship's computer to locate the user, and even use it as a tracer to lock a transporter on the user for emergencies.

     Ablative Armor System

    The Ablative Armor Generator is composed of 4 basic components: 1. Specialized matter fabricator system; 2.  A dedicated transporter network; 3. A dedicated computer processor; and 4. Hull emitter array.

    Matter fabrication means duplicating matter atom to atom of a mass equal to the amount of energy used in the fabrication process (E=mc^2).  While this is useful for fabricating food and parts onboard a ship, a modified fabrication system used to generate an additional layer of armor over the outer hull of the ship.  The Atlantis' ablative armor system uses a dedicated matter fabrication system to manufacture the armor plates, which are immediately shunted through system's dedicated transporter network which uses the exterior hull emitter array to place the armor on the hull.  The system is regulated by a dedicated computer processor which keeps track of the material that the armor is made of, the shape of all the individual plates, and where each plate should be placed.  The system can create armor that matches the exterio color and texture of the ship.  The molecular pattern for the armor material, as well as the energy/molecular pattern is stored in the compute processor.  The material pattern of the material is a metal reinforced ceramic foam composite using a rare metal known as adamantium.  Adamantium is one of the strongest metals known to exist second only to neutronium.  Why adamantium and not neutronium?  Neutronium is too difficult to efficiently replicat, and would burn out the entire system instantly.  Though adamantium can be replicated, the maximum possible output is only 2kg a day, so therefore, an adamantium reinforced ceramic foam composite armor is the next best solution.  Also a starship does not have the energy storage to create an armor layer of adamantium around the ship.  But the ceramic composite works much more efficienty.  The newly formed armor pattern is sent to the emitter array where it forms an exterior layer of armor ten centimeters thick around the hull.

    The armor requires power to maintain, and increases the mass of the ship, sacrificing speed and maneuverability, thus it's a system used sparingly.  Only when the ship is entering a planet's atmosphere or expecting a heavy assault will the ablative armor system be activated.

     Bridge Crew

⦁ Captain Mitchel “Bagera” Bowen – Human – Commanding Officer – Captain Bowen is a veteran fighter pilot.  Once dedicated to flying fighters, the death of his lover Lieutenant April “Rain” Chang caused Bowen to become hard and dedicated to his job.  Now he's a hard nosed starship captain who may be permanently married to his job.

⦁ Dr.  Seamus Wright – Shrive Thinker – Ship’s Psychologist – A true Cockney born in East London's ethnic Shrive neighborhood; known to associate with people involved with London subcultures.  Because most humans found his Shrive name difficult to pronounce, he took a human name.  After cadet training at the GFA Academy Wright got his doctorate in psychology at Oxford University in London.

⦁ David “Cowboy” Corben – Human – First Officer – An African American born and raised in a rural area outside of Dallas Texas.  Called cowboy because of he comes from Texas.

⦁ Frelsey Grame – Kumarrin male – science officer

⦁ Lieutenant Maurice Sanchez – human male – Helm Officer – Born in Puerto Rico

⦁ Lieutenant Madhuksara – human female – Ops Officer – Born in India

⦁ Doctor Elton Schiguelle – Tang Simma male – Chief Medical Officer

⦁ Doctor Carm Sculapus – Chim Simma male – Medical Officer

⦁ Lieutenant Commander Lindsay Davis – human female – Chief Engineer

     Fighter Pilots



Commander Raymond “Merlin” West – Human male

Lieutenant Commander Argathreft “Orko” Wymdah – Chim Simma male

Lieutenant Pyra “Circe” N’gek – Kumarrin female

Lieutenant Hanson “Sarumon” Bawk – Human male

Lieutenant Shayna “Azkedelia” Bliss – Human female

Lieutenant Beth “Morgana” Sternberg – Human female

Lieutenant Eric “Dumbledore” Roman – Human male


Commander Chad “Raptor” Brent – Human male

Lieutenant Hans “Hawk” Nold – Human male

Lieutenant Ghullik “Griffon” Triege – Shrive Fighter male

Lieutenant Dorma “Red Falcon” Morlara—Elnore

Lieutenant Baleena “Sparrow” Seena – Chim Simma – female


U.S.S. Atlantis         CVX-4575

U.S.S. Pacifica         CVT-6090

U.S.S. El Dorado         CVT-4579

U.S.S.  Alexandria     CVT-6070

U.S.S. Shangri-La     CVT-6010

U.S.S.  Camelot         CVT-6020

U.S.S.  Troy         CVT-6030

U.S.S.  Liberia         CVT-4577

U.S.S.  Andromeda     CVT-4590

U.S.S.  Thetis            CVT-4510

U.S.S.  Heracles        CVT-4511

U.S.S. Lemuria           CVT-4512

U.S.S Hyperborea     CVT-4513

    Atlantis Battle Group


 1.    Atlantis Class – Tactical Carrier

 1.    USS  Atlantis, CVX-4575

 2.    Athena Class – Support Carrier

 1.    USS  Athena, CVS-3030

 2.    USS  Callisto, CVS-3070

 3.    Excalibur Class – Heavy Battleship

 1.    USS  Excalibur, BB-5089

 4.    Ares Class – Heavy Cruiser

 1.    USS  Ares, HC-800

 2.    USS  Apollo, HC-800

 5.    Aurora Class – Heavy Attack Cruisers

 1.    USS Aurora, CG-8899

 2.    USS O'Neil, CG-8899

 3.    USS Jackson, CG-8899

 4.    USS Carter, CG-8899

 6.     Crockett Class Tactical Perimeter Action Vessel

 1.    USS  Crockett, ES-1899

 2.    USS  Joan of Ar, ES-1800

 3.    USS  John Henry, ES-1840

 4.    USS  John Brown, ES-1859

 7.    Perry Class Light Destroyer

 1.    U.S.S Oliver Hazard Perry, DSS-1469

 2.    U.S.S  Samuel Adams, DSS-1794

 3.    U.S.S  John Adams, DSS-1756

 4.    U.S.S  Robert Treat Paine, DSS-1766

 5.    U.S.S  Thomas Jefferson, DSS-1776

 6.    U.S.S Thomas Adams, DSS-1799

 8.    Raptor Class Escorts

 1.    USS Raptor, CDX-227730

 2.    USS Bald Eagle,  CDX-237731

 3.    USS Osprey, CDX-247732

 4.    USS Harrier, CDX-257733

 5.    USS Falcon, CDX-267734

 6.    USS Tiger Claw, CDX-267738

 7.    USS Cyclone, CDX-267734

 8.    USS Reaper, CDX-2277388

 9.    USS Gold Eagle, CDX-225530

 10.    USS Arcee, CDX-225530

 11.    USS Oswald, CDX-225589

 12.    USS Reuben James, CDX-225590

USS Atlantis CVX-4575  large  new drive lower bay
USS Atlantis CVX-4575  Needlecracker  weapons pod
USS Atlantis CVX-4575  prime time line
USS Atlantis CVX-4575 redesign 4A Vector pod
USS Atlantis CVX-4575 redesign 5A
USS Atlantis CVX-4575 REFIT drives
USS Atlantis CVX-4575 refit Vector weapons pod
USS Atlantis CVX-4575 refit
U.S.S. Atlantis CVX-4575 Redesign
USS Atlantis CVX-4575
USS Atlantis CVX-4575-A
USS Atlantis CVX-4575 stating  out
USS Atlantis CVX-4575 blueprint call outs
USS Atlantis CVX-4575 blue 4 cut
USS Atlantis CVX-4575 blue 3 with layout
USS Atlantis CVX-4575 call out sheet
USS ATLANTIS CVX-4575 in Titan dry dock
USS Atlantis CVX-4575  New an Old
USS ATLANIS CVX-4575 update
USS ATLANTIS CVX-4575 in Titan drydock pre refit
Neptune drydock A5 USS Atlantis CVX-4575
USS Atlantis CVX-4575-A blue read out
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