Saab 35 Draken eastern alliancebagera3005 on DeviantArt

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Saab 35 Draken eastern alliance



Stolen by the eastern alliance an new world order after there fall from power  an built 2 squads after worlds

General characteristics

    * Crew: One

    * Length: 15.34 m (50 ft 4 in)

    * Wingspan: 9.42 m (30 ft 10 in)

    * Height: 3.89 m (12 ft 9 in)

    * Wing area: 49.22 m² (529.82 ft²

    * Empty weight: 7,865 kg (17,340 lb)

    * Loaded weight: 11,400 kg (25,132 lb)

    * Max takeoff weight: 16,000 kg (35,273 lb)

    * Powerplant: 1× Volvo Flygmotor RM6C afterburning turbojet

          o Dry thrust: 56.5 kN (12,787 lbf)

          o Thrust with afterburner: 78.4 kN (17,637 lbf)


    * Maximum speed: Mach 2+,[1] 2,120 km/h (1,317 mph) at 11,000 m (36,100 ft)

    * Range: 3,250 km (2,020 mi) with external drop tanks

    * Service ceiling: 20,000 m (65,600 ft)

    * Rate of climb: 175 m/s (34,450 ft/min)

    * Wing loading: 231.6 kg/m² (47.4 lb/ft²

    * Thrust/weight: 0.70

    * Takeoff roll: 650 m (2,133 ft)


    * 1x 30 mm M-55 ADEN cannon with 100 rounds (2x 30 mm M-55 ADEN cannon with 90 rounds each in earlier models)

    * Four hardpoints for either fuel tanks or air-to-air or missiles

    * Rb 24, Rb 27 and Rb 28 air-to-air missiles

    * 2x 75 mm Air to Air rocket pods could be carried on the belly instead of two tanks or missiles

    * 12x 135mm rockets on six underwing pylons in place of the outer two missile/fuel tank pylon

    * 55, 220, 500, and 1,000 pound bombs

    * Maximum ordnance 2,900 kg (6,393 lb)

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