Deviation Actions
Galactic Fleet Memo
Subject: Senate-Class Diplomatic Transport
Earth Force One is the personal transport for the president of the United Earth Systems. It is a Senate-Class Diplomatic Transport, manufactured by Elnore Spaceworks. However, it differs from the standard model in that it has an enhanced navigation suite, upgraded sensors, and a fully encrypted communications system. Its computer system is a fully outfitted, military transport mainframe, with a fully encrypted memory, and access to all military networks and databases.
Crew accommodations are the same as the standard Senate-Class transport. Crew accommodations are military standard. The lower, service deck features an armory fully stocked with armament enough for the entire crew. The main deck is outfitted as both a mobile presidential residence, and a mobile command center. The president of the United Earth Systems can handle all his duties from Earth Force One, regardless of where the ship is located. The ship's advance communications ensure real time communications and distribution of information and orders.
The main deck also features a sumptuous dinning room and galley for the passengers. Passenger suites are comfortable and adequate to keep high level guests of the president happy. The President's suite is a masterwork of luxury and protection. The suite itself is the very image of luxury: featuring sleeping quarters, a common room, bathroom, and even private dining. On top of that, the ambassador's suite doubles as a life pod. It is fully independent and self-contained, with its own life support, independent computer core, and survival gear. In the event that the life pod is jettisoned, it has thrusters to maneuver itself. Its hull is reinforced to allow it to withstand entry into a planetary atmosphere, and its thrusters and landing struts allow it to land safely and comfortably. It can then function as an emergency shelter. Its most important piece of emergency equipment is an emergency beacon that beams an emergency distress call directly to the ambassador's home world, providing the life pod's location. The beacon, upon receipt of a special command code provided by the ambassador's government will cause the life pod's computer to provide a complete copy of the transport's flight, voice, and data logs.
Earth Force One itself features a reinforced and lightly armored hull, high performance engines making it deceptively fast, and high performance thrusters giving it amazing maneuverability. It also features limited armaments: light particle beam cannons, and two torpedo/missile tubes. While this does not make it a combat vehicle by any stretch of the imagination, it does give it the ability to defend itself long enough to escape any threat. Unlike the standard Senate-Class diplomatic transport, Earth Force One features the additional protection of a state-of-the-art ablative armor system.
Crew assignment is subject to security clearance approval, and background investigation.
For the full briefing, and a tour of Earth Force One, see Galactic Fleet Central Archive, Reference “Holo-Recording, Shuttles, Transport, Presidential, Earth Force One, Crew/Passenger Orientation Briefing and Tour”.
For technical schematics and specifications see Galactic Fleet Central Archive, Reference “Holo-Datafile, Shuttles, Transport, Presidential, Earth Force One, Technical Schematics and Specifications”.
Dimensions :Crew : 15
Passengers: 10
Length : 98 m2
Beam : 50 m
Height : 15 m
Decks : 2
Defence Systems :
Standard shield system, total capacity 67,500 TeraJoules
Standard Duranium/Tritanium Single hull plus 2 cm High density armour.
Low level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds:
Normal Cruise : 6
Maximum Cruise : 7.8
Maximum Rated : 8.6 for 12 hours.
Armament :4 x Type IV phaser arrays, total output 500 TeraWatts
2 x Micro photon torpedo tube with 20 rounds