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7300 Points Rewards by All-World-Works, journal

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • Mar 31
  • United States
  • Deviant for 20 years
  • He / Him
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (21)
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
Well ... not much I can say ... My house got struck by lightning last night. I lost my computer, my xbox 360, ps3, cable modem and router. As well as my tv and I fried a clients memory disc as well as his card reader. All in one nights. So all the money I will be making from this work will go to fixing all my problems so basically 0 profit.I can't seem to see a end of this bad luck streak. I got a new tv and fixed my computer no less than a month ago and this happens. On top that I haven't gotten to talk to my girl much due so some major complications ... Me and her are ok its just problems so that has me stressed out.Its just getting h...
anonymous's avatar
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First I would like to apologize for lack of updates. I recently got me a website job I am doing so between that and spending some time with my girl not much time to work.I will do my best to have something up this weekend I got a bunch of inspiration just not time so you should see something soon :D.Just a few things I feel like rambling / ranting lol. First off the new Hulk movie I want to see sooo bad lol. Its weird 2 years ago I wouldn't really care about the movie. It seems as I am getting older I'm turning geekier and I love it :D.My mood has been amazing lately, finally found a girl who appreciates me for everything I am and shes ...
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Small update.

0 min read
Well first no features this update but soon, just wanted to give my friends on here a update about whats going on :).Well first I got into playing warcraft great game and great time waster lol. Although something kind of good has come out of it met a great girl on there just alot of confusion there (long story). Anyways.Then my comp crashed and was done for the week, and being a dumb me I never backed up so I lost all my work sadly. So I am working on getting everything back up and running. Hopefully I will have something so show soon.I will update ya all more later! :iconlost-fans: :icondream-club: :iconstamp-album: :thumb823783...
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scarrart's avatar
Thanks for the watch:)
scarrart's avatar
 Thanks for the interest!
JoeSlucher's avatar
Thanks for the faves Brandon!
WinkGuy1's avatar
Hey, Brandon... Happy Birthday!
BadBruzer's avatar
Thanks man been a while since on lol. By the way nice new pieces on your gallery.
WinkGuy1's avatar
Hey sorry about the belated reply but you're welcome... And yeah, it's been awhile, thanks :)
hummingbird88's avatar
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Brandon,
Happy Birthday to you,
and many mooorrre.
A pinch to grow an inch.
A slug to grow like a bug.
A friend to give you a hug.
And dA to give you a ton of love.
:party::cake: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
May all your wishes & dreams come true. I wish you a very long happy healthy life!!!
:kiss: "I wish you all the very best in the art world & beyond"!!!

Your Friend,
Ms. P. :heart: