
Nightmare Forest

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Bad--Wolf--Bay's avatar

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Welcome to the Forest? Are you ready to live or die?

Located in an unknown dimension, lies the Forest. Despite this name, the majority of it's landscape actually resembles a large mansion, although this is of little importance.

What actually matters are the things that inhabit it. Any creature from any nightmare. imaginable, some unimaginable. And they're hunting. For you.

Choose your weapon, choose a side. The battle of Hell is beginning.
Because I'm cheating lol.

Click the link! It feels good.…
© 2013 - 2025 Bad--Wolf--Bay
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Bad--Wolf--Bay's avatar
Meya's ears perked up at the sound of a scream coming from far down the hallway. Not that there weren't screams a'plenty in this hell of a world, but as it was close by...

She brushed off her large, Victorian-esque skirt and unbuckled the large wrench from her belt loop. "Come along, Marco." She said to the young Italian on he floor next to her. "There's work to be done."