azw19921's avatar


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Artist // Hobbyist // Other
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (180)
thoughtART: Participated in April Fools' Day 2014
birthdAy '14: Celebrated DeviantArt's 14th birthday
My Bio

Hi everyone my name is Andrew and i'm a gamer my difficulty extremely hard well i check up on my page from time to time if you must know about me my favorite color is blue my favorite foods pizza and cheeseburgers if you want to talk to me ill respond back and here are some of the games i have for the Wii & ps2
warning: please no mean rude comments on here if i see some on here i will block you don't mess with my friends or my Art work and don't piss me off you were warned and don't even think about Calling me a cyber bully or any other name to discredited me please Rage
home Town: Albany ga
Wii U i.d.: Azw512mkw (now you can add me)
youtube subscriber train
my Wii records
instruments: piano singing (tenor)
my chat room
my WIKI :
my livestream:
Bullet; Blue Mario sports mix
Bullet; Blue mario kart Wii
Bullet; Blue Wii sports
Bullet; Blue Wii sports resort
Bullet; Blue Wii Fit plus
Bullet; Blue Mario & Sonic at the 2012 London Olympic games
Bullet; Red burnout 3 the take down
Bullet; Red midnight club
Bullet; Red midnight club 2
Bullet; Red midnight club 3 dub edition
Bullet; Red midnight club 3 dub edition remix
Bullet; RedNamco museum
Bullet; Red Spongebob squarepants revenge of the flying dutchman
Bullet; Redspongebob squarepants batttle for bikini bottom
Bullet; Red spongebob squarepants the movie
Bullet; Red spongebob squarepants lights camera pants
Bullet; Red shrek super party
Bullet; Red sherk 2
Bullet; Red shrek superslam
Bullet; Red need for speed hot pursuit 2
Bullet; Red grand theft auto 3
Bullet; Red grand theft auto vice city stories
Bullet; Red grand theft auto liberty city stories
Bullet; Red grand theft auto san andreas
Bullet; Red grand theft auto vice city
Bullet; Red guitar hero 3
Bullet; Red guitar hero 4 world tour
Bullet; Red guitar hero 5
if you want to add me to your Wii here is my Friend Code 6558 6766 6597 7478

My Brother :iconroberto115mkw:
my best friends
:iconhobygrenousse: :iconfelipebravovidal: :iconsapphireatlas92: :iconthemariostudio: :iconexilelord: :iconsarahthemii: : :iconjoeyforbat1: :iconjgquintel: :iconravenvillanuevat2p: :iconruby-beauty: :iconmastertim360: :iconsparks-fly13: :iconukd-dawg: :iconsupervegttio23: :iconmutant-coyote: :icondarkjeroid: :iconangibon: :iconcoconutstevio92: :iconsparkster25: :iconkingofnintendo9: :iconknuxthefangirl: :iconkotone-nyan: :iconofficialpnffan: :iconaskeddtheastute: :iconootuckoo: :iconivan2awesome: :iconaskthegreateddy-dini: :iconaskboyjimmy: :iconxxxcamtroxxx: :iconbabypeachs1fan: :icondanielpaddick12: :iconzendarr: :icon123mew2: :iconwolfdomo: :iconasktoad: :iconaskpeachtoadstool: :iconask-princess-daisy: :iconefilvega: :iconaskedthegreat: :iconmariogamer3425: :iconriri-bun: :iconkutekatedraws: :iconsceptile321: :iconsarahforeva: :iconlanm01: :iconmilestailsprowertoon: :iconemolgitah: :icon6tails6: :iconthatoneanimeboy: :iconhoneymoon38: :iconsweetbitty05: :iconshay-shay98: :iconprincescarrotcake: :icongamergirl010: :icongoldencro: :iconxxcuteemmyxx: :icono-camtroartist-o: :iconxvenomousxtoxinx: :iconsquare-watermelon: :iconliznchrisforlife: :iconmademoiselle--serena: :iconbrandonultimate: :iconalue27: :iconhipsterness:
my cousin :icongreydirect:
my rivals :iconsageprincess97: :iconshadowumbreon8:
my high school friend: :iconanniemadeit21:
Bullet; Green Wii sports tennis 2999 (1st) {pro}
Bullet; Green Wii sports baseball 3146 (1st){pro}
Bullet; Green Wii sports bowling 2213 (1st){pro} perfect games 59
Bullet; Green Wii sports golf 1143 {pro}
Bullet; Green Wii sports boxing 3124 (1st) {pro}
Bullet; Yellow Wii sports boxing training working the bag 58 (pts)
Bullet; Yellow Wii sports boxing training dodging 93 pts
Bullet; Yellow Wii sports boxing training throwing punches 85 (pts)
Bullet; OrangeWii sports baseball training hitting home runs 10 out 10 5827 ft
Bullet; OrangeWii sports baseball training swing control 71 pts
Bullet; OrangeWii sports baseball training batting practice 30 pts
Bullet; Pink Wii sports BOWLING Training PICKING UP SPARES 20 LANES
Bullet; Pink Wii sports BOWLING Training power throws 701 pins
Bullet; Pink Wii sports BOWLING Training spin control 20 lanes
Bullet; Purple wii sports tennis training returning balls 115 pts
Bullet; Purple wii sports tennis training timing your swing 50 pts
Bullet; Purple wii sports tennis training target practice 41 pts
Bullet; Purple wii sports golf training putting 10 cups
Bullet; Purple wii sports golf training hitting the green 150.4 ft
Bullet; Purple wii sports golf training target practice 354 pts
Bullet; Red Wii sports resort swordplay duel 2500 (superstar) 4/5 stamps
Bullet; Red Wii sports resort swordplay speed slice 2500 (superstar) 5/5 stamps
Bullet; Red Wii sports resort swordplay showdown 2500 (superstar) 5/5 stamps
Bullet; Red Wii sports resort basketball pickup game 2500 (superstar) 5/5 stamps
Bullet; Red Wii sports resort basketball 3 point contest 2500 (superstar)5/5 stamps 47.1
Bullet; Red Wii sports resort table tennis match 2500 (superstar) 5/5 stamps
Bullet; Red Wii sports resort table tennis return challenge 999 5/5 stamps
Bullet; Blue Wii sports resort bowling standard game 300 1737 5/5 stamps (superstar)
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort bowling 100 pin (pro) 5/5
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort bowling spin control 213 799 2/5
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort cycling (pro) 5/5 1st 2:25.15 stage 1 around the island
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort cycling (pro) 5/5 1st 2:04.06 stage 1 to the beach
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort cycling (pro) 5/5 1st 2:14.76 stage 1 across the bridge
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort cycling (pro) 5/5 1st 2:40.60 stage 1 over talon rock
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort cycling (pro) 5/5 1st 2:57.20 stage 1 up the volcano
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort cycling (pro) 5/5 1st 3:12.46 stage 1 into Maka Wuhu
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort Frisbee golf 1918(pro) 5/5 -15 18 hole course
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort Frisbee golf course A resort -5
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort Frisbee golf course b resort -3
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort Frisbee golf course c resort -1
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort Frisbee golf course special
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort Frisbee golf 9 hole resort course -10
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort Frisbee golf 9 hole classic course -3
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort Frisbee golf classic A -4 3 hole course
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort Frisbee golf classic B - 5 3 hole course
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort Frisbee golf classic C -3 3 hole course
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort Frisbee dog 1400 (pro) 3/5 1350pts
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort golf resort 3 hole course A resort -4 3/5
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort golf resort 3 hole course b resort -1
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort golf resort 3 hole course c resort n/a
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort golf resort 3 hole course A classic -4
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort golf resort 3 hole course B Classic -2
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort golf resort 3 hole course c classic -1
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort golf resort 3 hole course special +/-0
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort golf resort 9 hole resort -4
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort golf classic 9 hole -6
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort golf 18 hole n/a
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort Archery beginner 1589 3/5 114pts
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort Archery intermediate 93pts
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort Archery expert 67pts
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort wakeboarding superstar beginner(5/5) 3288pts
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort wakeboarding superstar intermediate 1651pts
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort wakeboarding superstar expert 1795pts
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort canoeing speed challenge beginner 1219 (pro) 258.82yd
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort canoeing speed challenge intermediate 300.00yds
Bullet; BlueWii sports resort canoeing speed challenge expert 382.94yds
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games 100m sprint lvl 3 8.925
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games 110m hurdles lvl 3 12.292
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games 4x100m relay lvl 3 0:33516
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games long jump lvl 3 9.403m
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games hammer throw lvl 3 93.894m
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games discus throw lvl 3 81.073m
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games javelin throw lvl 3 97.339m
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games uneven bars lvl 3 30.00pts
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games trampoline lvl3 30.00pts
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games rhythmic Ribbon 54.569pts
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games 100m free style 0:45.096
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games lvl3 Synchronised swimming 64.60pts Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games Canoe sprint 1000m 3:12.751
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games equestrian 1:06.381
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games football 54 goals (good luck)
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games shooting 453pts (43.58)
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games Cycling 1:18.632
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games dream long jump 383.13m
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games dream rafting 554pts
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games dream discus 225pts
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games dream uneven bars 402pts
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games dream hurdles 165pts
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games dream equestrian 1:54.544
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games dream sprint 0:56.137
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games dream trampoline 419pts
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games dream spacewalk 1:34.692
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games medals 31/31 gold medals
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games completion 97.3%
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games stickers 98/104
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games events won 100%
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games items collected 100%
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games event playing time 81:48:15
Bullet; Red M&S At the 2012 London Olympic games L.P.P.T 72:03:52
Bullet; Red Mario sports mix Harmony hustle 2120 (perfect) classic ocean level 1
Bullet; Red Mario sports mix Harmony hustle 2090( perfect) Chocobo rhythum lvl 1
Bullet; Red mario sports mix Harmony hustle 2530 (perfect) Mario Athletic lvl1
Bullet; Blue Mario sports mix Harmony hustle 2660 (perfect) Bloocheep ocean lvl2
Bullet; Blue Mario kart wii status golden wheel 3 stars
my friend code for Mario sports mix: 4986-6681-5690
my friend code for Mario & Sonic at the 2012 London Olympic games : 1378-8957 2684
my friend code for MKW :3870-0188-9411
My friend code for Mario Striker charged (pending)
Baby Mario
Baby Peach
Bowser jr

Hackers (on Mario kart wii)
people mean to my friends
Art thefts
Annoying me

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
Favourite TV Shows
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Books
Favourite Writers
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Other Interests
Hey guys im Back it has been an eventfull week my braves we're on a 5 game Win streak  my 5 stripes are back on top my falcons are reloading my Georgia Bulldogs are also reloading  my dougherty Trojans lost the TrojanBowl2018 47-6 but we're on the road friday to Americas sumter i expect we're pickup a Roadwin and oh yeah my Atlanta Dream are in the playoffs we don't know who we are facing yet but we will be keeping an eye on ...ill let ya know who's our opponent
anonymous's avatar
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Hey guys im back on i do deeply Apologize for my long absence i been working on completing my alolan pokdex found every pokemon on all 4 islands 95% complete to be exact the only thing that im missing is lunala and the 4 ultrabeasts and ill be finished the reason why i was gone for so long was death in my family my granddad died of a broken heart i don't have any grandparents left but ill recover from this loss and yeah im aware of toys r us closing forever my 12 speed bike and train set came from toys R Us but on the bright side my braves and 5 stripes are on top of the MLB NL Eastern standings and the mls Eastern standings respectively t...
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New job

0 min read
Hey guys ill be working at goodwill soon ill still be active on my 3DS will mostly streetpassing
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Profile Comments 496

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Codemaster9999's avatar
MomentumZone's avatar

Hey Artist, miss me? I’m crazy now. 😈

Codemaster9999's avatar
Happy Birthday. Party Have your cake and eat it too :iconcake3dplz: :icongiftplz: :iconpresentplz: :icongiftboxplz:1st Emoticon: Happy Birthdayfella Gift (Party)Happy Birth Day Fella (messages):iconballoonsplz:
Sparkster25's avatar
Codemaster9999's avatar
Happy Birthday. Party Have your cake and eat it too :iconcake3dplz: :iconfuncakeplz: :iconpresentplz:
Devinesouljah's avatar
Help bring Princess Daisy into main games after being playable in Super Mario Run… time to spread the word for 25K supports
azw19921's avatar
hey guys im back and im sorry i haven't been Active lately ill do better this time around