Sympathy for the Devil - CoverAzutara on DeviantArt

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Sympathy for the Devil - Cover



*sigh* This comic has been absent for who-knows how much v.v

And to tell you the truth, I haven't worked in the story line because I'm trying to recover what I lost in my other account, so it will take my a while.............but doesn't mean I'll quit. Once I'm done with my mission, I'll go back to Azutara, I promise.

I got several notes of people asking me about this comic.....and well, here you go. For those who never saw it, this is the original ending of my saga that I made in 2008.
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768x1024px 342.11 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Azutara
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ThatRandomGuy51's avatar
I loved the piece, so it may seem odd that I choose sad. but after reading it, I fell into tears.