Mictecacihuatlazurylipfe on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/azurylipfe/art/Mictecacihuatl-104096104azurylipfe

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model& bones :iconmjranum-stock:
floor, sky, brushes and sky :iconazurylipfesstock:
bloodbrushes not in my stock: contest pack brushes to choose from.
Wall :iconcausticstock:
Hair repainted in photoshop
raven made in daz3D

Mictecacihuatl is Goddess of Death/ Underworld. She rules over Mictlan, the underworld, with her husband, Mictlantecuhtli .Mictlecacihuatl escorts those who have died to their families, and watches over their bodies
The basic job which Mictecacihuatl has is escorts those who have died to their families, and to watch over the bones of the dead. Because of the bones of the dead from past worlds were used to create the first humans of this world, it's possible the bones of people form this world will at some point be needed to create the people in some future world. This is why they would have to be carefully guarded — but, like the bones from past worlds, they will probably have to be stolen in order to be used.
She presided over the ancient festivals of the dead, which evolved from Aztec traditions El Dia De Las Muertos into the modern Day of the Dead after synthesis with Spanish cultural traditions. She is said now to preside over the contemporary festival as well.

Mictecacihuatl is known as the Lady of the Dead, since it is believed that she was born, then sacrificed as an infant. Her cult is sometimes held to persist in the common Mexican worship of Santa Muerte.
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© 2008 - 2025 azurylipfe
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ASBYD's avatar
uuuyyy si de seguro es guera la pendeja.