Favourite genre of music: Symphonic Metal, other metal, Gothic, Steampunk, Folk, Medieval, Soundtracks, 80s and 90s classics.
Favourite character ensembles: The Avengers, X-Men, Star Trek 2009 / TOS cast, Ace Attorney cast, Vyse-tachi, Sonic-tachi, Team Rocket, The Scooby Gang
Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
MCU movies. Memento, Looper, Source Code, Edge of Tomorrow
Favourite TV Shows
Dollhouse, Buffy, Lie to Me, Daredevil, Agents of Shield, GoT
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Moonspell, Nightwish, Epica, Beast in Black, Rammstein
Favourite Books
Harry Potter, LotR, Nightrunner, The Black Jewels, Discworld, His Dark Materials
Favourite Writers
Anne Bishop, Lynn Flewelling, JKR, Christine Morgan, Tolkien, Terry Pratchett, Tad Williams, Philip Pullman
Favourite Games
Ace Attorney (all of them), Mario Kart 8, Metroid Prime Trilogy
Favourite Gaming Platform
WiiU, 3DS
Tools of the Trade
Latest Photoshop, Microsoft Surface Pro
Other Interests
Singing (!!!), Games, Sewing