Azure refAzureKitsune308 on DeviantArt

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AzureKitsune308's avatar

Azure ref



Finally made a new ref for her after...uhh...a number of years? Yay. I decided to put her in her "Pokemon" outfit rather than her old futuristic one --- I think my style is headed in a new direction, and the way I used to draw her really wasn't fitting in to it. Maybe I'll bring it back one day...but for now, I'll work with where I'm going. BD

Also, I added a couple of things, like the moles on her face. She's my persona, so she should have a couple of my traits...those moles are exactly the way they are on me. Yay accuracy! Derp.
Image size
301x1000px 201.93 KB
© 2009 - 2025 AzureKitsune308
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Pan-Ko's avatar
wow your art so amazing! do you take request ?