We are not Trophies stampAzureHowlShilach on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/azurehowlshilach/art/We-are-not-Trophies-stamp-302489290AzureHowlShilach

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AzureHowlShilach's avatar

We are not Trophies stamp



:star: please don't come here and act like a little kid,this stamp is about my opinion about these things,if you DON'T agree then click on , go back,and leave

-this stamp is for people who do agree and not for the ones who believe their opinion only counts, mocking this stamp on the other side shows how immature you are, grow up please. 


:bulletred: Some people think that the sport hunters do deserve to make a trophy of them, more ridiculous thinking they are stupid enough to assume its alright, I'm pretty sure when a serial killer has locked you up in his garage that you might think different about that, to talk about that, you know how many alive victims talk about serial killers ? The ones that get out free often say, it felt like I was hunted... yes indeed. So let's compare the serial killers to sport hunters,
-Both hunt for fun and pleasure
-Both targets aren't aware that they are being hunted
-Eventually when killed both hunter/serial killer want to keep a reminder, fur, teeth etc...
So to be honest, for me it sounds very familiar ...

:bulletred: Talking about canned hunting for example, Animals are being bred in captivity to be released into a certain area were the hunters can shoot them and then come home claiming they had killed a wild lion or another animal. Even more sick about the canned hunting with lions, The lions are often bottle fed and released in the area for shooting, showing no fear of people they often go close to the hunter thinking it will get fed instead to receive a bullet or arrow on it's body, that they are bottle fed is usually to make sure the trophy hunters will be guaranteed for an easy kill.

:bulletred:More information about canned hunting => www.bornfree.org.uk/campaigns/…
(There also exist captive hunting, its almost the same, hunting on animals that aren't afraid of people)
:bulletred: Sport hunting is senseless :bulletred:
-It's senseless and unfair, how can an animal make any possible chance towards a gun ? Not!  Again i'm talking about sport hunters not about hunters who kill for the only sake of food, I have once had a conversation with a hunter that only killed for food, he himself said there was no need for posing on a photo happily having killed an animal, it's having no respect for the animal.

:bulletred: The hunt for fur is senseless, having so much material, there is no use for people to hunt an animal for it's fur, I think the animal prefers the fur on it's body.

-A lot of hunting's are often cruel and barbaric, though many people will always come with he following saying, those aren't hunters but poachers !!! Then why is it that those hunters get angry when they were filmed ? Simple, they were hunters, not to mention that there is enough proof of so called sportsmen that claim to respect animals but hunt them cruel. 

-link => ourwisconsinourwildlife.wordpr… ( 2014 showing true nature of so called sportsmen )  showing how real and compassionate these so called sportsmen are, sadistic if you ask me.

:bulletred: Its not a sport => www.idausa.org/campaigns/wild-…

:bulletred: Knowing many hunts end up much more cruel or sadistic, just imagine, if some of these more cruel hunts are documented just think about it how many of those cruel hunts are still going on without people knowing, some cases =>
www.sharkonline.org/index.php/… (don't click this if your sensative to animal killing)
:star: www.petitionhub.org/Prosecute-… (example of strangling) 
www.americans-native.com/index… (2017 torture of a wolf)
life.shared.com/video-of-two-t… (2019 )

=> wyominguntrapped.org/news/12-y… (kids get injured by traps too)

:star:www.bornfreeusa.org/facts.php?… (Trapping myths)
:star:=> www.animals24-7.org/2015/08/13… (the myth of sport hunting as a solution to conservation )

:bulletred: Trapping animals is just another sick practice, I'm not gonna link video's below, if your not convinced, click youtube, fox trapped and sadly you'll see how many video's there are on youtube about it, often hunters walking to their trapped fox instead of quickly getting it out of it's misery they just stand there,film it, and some even laugh about it. If you don't care of wild animals then at least think of your pets,
=> furbearerdefenders.com/blog/ho… (This article is about hunters that placed traps on property of people killing 2 cats in the process, the hunter got away with it without any charges because he owns a liscense to trap animals ... maybe another reason why trapping should be banned)
Many pets die in traps as hunters get away with it.

:bulletred: Some people will justify the killing of animals being good for the economy, guess what daily visits to wildlife parks are every year doing very good for the economy as well.
:star: I have't given links to the more cruel things since some of them are very graphic.

:bulletred: Hunting isn't just a danger for animals it's a danger for people as well, it happens yearly that hunters kill either other hunters or pet animals mistaken them for wildlife, many
shooting accidents, for example (2018) => www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/…

Anyways if you support this stamp then fav and add it on your page!  


DA Stamp - Anti-Hunting 01 by tppgraphics DA Stamp - Anti-Hunting 02 by tppgraphics There's a difference, but there's really not by Chylk
Stop Hunting for Sport by demonwolf1999
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© 2012 - 2025 AzureHowlShilach
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QuirkyCuriousBex's avatar

I think Roger Moore said it best: "In a world with boundless opportunities for amusement, it's detestable that anyone would choose to get thrills from killing other animals who ask for nothing from life but the chance to remain alive."