TriaAzu-Rah on DeviantArt

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Azu-Rah's avatar




Okay so I really wanted to draw her with her partner in crime Cloud but that didn't work out and somehow this happened. I'LL DRAW A GOOD PICTURE OF THEM SOMEDAY

My Selkie character from when :iconcho-warrior: and I used to play Crystal Chronicles (: Oh god how much time did we spend playing that game? It was too fun! I'm remembering all the stuff we used to do now. For the record, I'm sorry I got us fighting the Antlion by accident! It just didn't occur to me that there would be a boss in the...obvious quicksand pit...big enough for a boss...okay I should have realized that /I'm not sure why I remember this


>> Eat bread
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409x492px 257.9 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Azu-Rah
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Sol-Tamida's avatar
Yay! I love selkies, I drew one myself once