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Daily Deviation
April 10, 2011
Clean, crisp and atmospheric, Disappointment by ~azraelengel really communicates that feeling of melancholy in a slick, simple style.
Featured by Mollinda
Linoleum cut 8x10 block black and white print on Lennox.
Anyway, linoleum cut printing is when you take a linoleum "plate" and lino cutting tools and "scrape out" all of the areas you want to be white (or paper colored in this case). This one is only black and white and requires only one printing... Some lino cuts can have 7, 8, 9... Or infinite layers of color. That will be my next feat!
Anyway, linoleum cut printing is when you take a linoleum "plate" and lino cutting tools and "scrape out" all of the areas you want to be white (or paper colored in this case). This one is only black and white and requires only one printing... Some lino cuts can have 7, 8, 9... Or infinite layers of color. That will be my next feat!
Image size
1150x950px 905.57 KB
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really beautiful