Love ChildAzjo on DeviantArt

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Love Child



Here is what happens when i draw with pencil and paint digitaly
I HAS ELVES I ALWAS LOVED ELVEs but never drew pretty very well.
This is a love child between two interesting beings of my story and may be a center of conflict and proof of disloyalty.
But shes a nice person she had nothing to do with it. colors represent faction or family and markings are status and deeds. No markings or little could represent a more isolation loving elf or one who simply ran away with wanderlust.  0-0 perhaps she wandered off at a young age and made her own clan >-> <-< ^^ I plan on doing outfit designs for my elfs. XD I plan on making them fairly short in some cases.
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4878x2852px 18.07 MB
Canon MG5500 series Network
© 2016 - 2025 Azjo
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ElyaneDragondream's avatar
 Oh boy oh boy oh boy you are so awesome .... I love her appearance and her markings. Great job. And you always have a cool backstory.