Head Statue DrawingAzeeraTheNinja on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/azeeratheninja/art/Head-Statue-Drawing-487495459AzeeraTheNinja

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AzeeraTheNinja's avatar

Head Statue Drawing



Project: Draw one of the portraits using value and shadows, no outlines, to give a 3D feel to the portrait.

Time: About 2 - 2.5 hours

This was for my Drawing I class this past Wednesday (so... yesterday? XD ).

My professor put up a slide of two women, one of them being this lovely lady and the other one being a higher contrast lady that was simpler to draw. I chose the harder one because I'm an overachiever. ;)

I wish I had the reference image because then this would make sense... ^^;
It was a statue of a head, not actually someone's head so... that's why the shoulder is a bit weird looking, it's just how it was sculpted honestly.

Also, I should have filled in the whole background with black because she was basically emerging from the shadows but filling all of that in with a couple of 6B pencils and a wimpy graphite stick was not going to happen after drawing her, I was way too tired. XD

Hope you guys like it! I'm pretty proud of this one!

:heart: Allyson

I also post on Tumblr and Instagram! :)

Tumblr: allysonarro.tumblr.com
Instagram: AllyArro
Image size
960x1280px 78.83 KB
© 2014 - 2025 AzeeraTheNinja
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PhoenixEverAfter's avatar
It looks like a sculpture instead of a drawing.