This Hair Is Not for Pullingazadenz on DeviantArt

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azadenz's avatar

This Hair Is Not for Pulling



It should be common sense at this point, but you do NOT want to pull on Jolie's hair like that.
...Or at all.
For SEVERAL reasons.

Task eight is a pretty dynamic task, focusing on such an intense emotion. This task of the :iconoc-training: group dictates that we explore what makes OCs tick; annoying them to the point of arrogance, frustration and eventually anger. Personally this one was challenging to pull off; as the original idea I had was difficult to represent without using words, or including other people that would detract from Jolie. So I went for something simple, something fairly straightforward; but still vaguely resembling my original idea.

Onto the next OC-training task ^^

...Also, I will be doing a second part to this.

Edit: Here it is:…
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8800x3726px 14.47 MB
© 2021 - 2025 azadenz
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UnaOwens's avatar

Lol, her expressions are priceless. I can just imagine little kids coming up to her and wanting to touch her hair XD but don't pull it! That's so rude, and her hair always looks so nice:)