Confidant - Bowserayyk92 on DeviantArt

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ayyk92's avatar

Confidant - Bowser



The moment I heard Joker got into Smash I just had to do this
EDIT: This is a bit embarrassing but the Level 10 rank up animation breaks all the chains so I've updated it a bit 
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697x3103px 1.26 MB
© 2018 - 2025 ayyk92
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Burningblaster's avatar

Perhaps his visions of grandeur were never what Bowser really sought. Surrounding him is a crew of outcasts and miscreants like himself. Ride or Dies that can't be swayed against him. In essence, he has a massive family of an army. With their teamwork & loyalty being so grand, they even succeeded in conquering most of the known universe not once, but twice!

A quote from Death Battle~