Deviation Actions
From left to right:
Pindo: Iwonda's last cub, Zira's half-sister, one of the pride's biggest cub.She is shy and very reserved, fearful in a reign of peace.
Giza: Eldest son of Kulala, Father of Kovu. One of the quietest cubs of the group.
Kula: Giza's younger sister. She is the most gluttonous of all the cubs and has inexhaustible energy.
Desta: Naanda's eldest son. He is the bully of the group, no cub can stand him, except Chumvi.
Chumvi: Naanda's youngest son, he is a mischievous and sweet cub, the counterpart to his older brother.
Tojo: Dwala's only cub. Tojo is a fairly scattered cub, with different tastes than expected of a cub his age. He is Simba's favorite cousin, and they tend to spend time together when given the chance.
Nala: A pretty cunning and determined cub when she has a goal. She is one of those who hates Desta the most, she is the vigilante of the group and is not afraid to put him in front of a cub much bigger than her.
Simba: The crown prince. Cub impatient to be king, although sometimes he abuses his title of prince and gets into trouble that surpasses him.
Tama: The smallest female of the group, she loves to annoy Simba, she is stubborn and quite moody. Nala's best friend, she sees her as a sister just like Mheetu, she loves spending time with them.
Mheetu: The smallest of the group, Sarafina and Idoti's last cub, similar to his father in all aspects. He is the most restless cub, always wanting to imitate Simba and get his attention.
Cachorros de Pridelands
De izquierda a derecha:
Pindo: Ultima cachorra de Iwonda, media hermana de Zira, una de las cachorras mas grandes del orgullo. Es tímida y muy reservada, temerosa en un reinado de paz.
Giza: Hijo mayor de kulala, Padre de Kovu. Uno de los cachorros mas callados del grupo.
Kula: Hermana menor de Giza. Es la más glotona de todos los cachorros y con una energía inagotable.
Desta: Hijo mayor de Naanda. Es el brabucón del grupo, ningún cachorro lo soporta, excepto Chumvi.
Chumvi: Hijo menor de Naanda, es un cachorro travieso y dulce, la contraparte a su hermano mayor.
Tojo: Unico cachorro de Dwala. Tojo es un cachorro bastante disperso, con gustos diferentes a los esperados de un cachorro de su edad.Es el primo favorito de Simba, y tienden a pasar tiempo juntos cuando se les da la ocasion.
Nala: Una cachorra bastante astuta y decidida cuando tiene una meta. Es una de las que mas odia a Desta, ella es la justiciera del grupo y no teme ponerle frente a un cachorro mucho mas grande que ella.
Simba: El principe Heredero. Cachorro impaciente por ser rey, aunque a veces abusa de su titulo de príncipe y se mete el líos que lo sobrepasan.
Tama: La hembra mas pequeña del grupo, adora fastidiar a Simba, es terca y bastante malhumorada. Mejor amiga de Nala, la ve como una hermana al igual que a Mheetu, adora pasar tiempo junto a ellos.
Mheetu: El mas pequeño del grupo, ultimo cachorro de Sarafina e Idoti, parecido a su padre en todos los aspectos. Es el cachorro mas inquieto, siempre queriendo imitar a Simba y llamar su atención.
Crown Prince would be a more correct title for Simba. Prince Regent implies that Mufasa can’t rule the kingdom so Simba is ruling it instead.