Favourite Visual Artist
Terese Nielsen, Rebecca Guay, Arthur Rackham, Kay Nielsen, Edmund Dulac, Elenore Abbot
Favourite Movies
Everything Studio Ghibli,Avatar,Billy Madison, Nacho Libre
Favourite TV Shows
Breaking Bad, Arrested Development
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
San Fermin, Matt & Kim, Purity Ring,Metric, AWOLNATION, Muse, Mother Mother
Favourite Books
Zombies v.s. Unicorns, Song of Ice & Fire series
Favourite Writers
Khaled Hosseini, Naomi Novik, George R.R.Martin
Favourite Games
Magic the Gathering, Witcher3, Skyrim, DragonAge, Pokemon, Monster Hunter, Okami, Shin Megami Tensei
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS4, Nintendo 3DS
Tools of the Trade
Micron pens, pencils, erasers, watercolor, gouache, ink, paper that can take abuse
Other Interests
gaming, nature, finding my spiritual self, mythology, unicorns, reading