AviatorsFans's avatar


We <3 the musician Aviators
Years Ago
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anonymous's avatar
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SpyroD's avatar
His whole anti-bully/world cohesion style is really catchy and pretty awesome. I should try to keep up with his music more often XD
FallenChibiAngel's avatar
Aviators is best artist, period.
GoldieFeathers-327's avatar
Also, could I take that co-founder quiz?
GoldieFeathers-327's avatar
I'm not quite sure if anyone would like this, but is there anyone out there who might have an interest in drawing Aviators-pony tickle pics?  I'm just curious.
Nodoga's avatar
Hey Tellab, do you have a fav song from your bro?
TellabArt's avatar
Angels & Demons :)
Nodoga's avatar
Mine is One Hearts Warming Eve. I can´t listen to it without shedding some tears.