Favourite Visual Artist
Shirlene Alexander
Favourite Movies
Citizen Kane; the Artist; Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Favourite TV Shows
Avatar: the Last Airbender; Gravity Falls; Supernatural; Phineas and Ferb; basically any cartoon intended for preteens
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Radical Face; Death Cab for Cutie; the Lumineers; 95% of Musical Theater
Favourite Books
The Count of Monte Cristo; The Three Musketeers; The Picture of Dorian Grey
Favourite Writers
Alexandre Dumas; Oscar Wilde; Holly Black
Favourite Games
either Professor Layton or Mario-something because I'm basic
Favourite Gaming Platform
DS; Wii; Gamecube
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, pencil, pencil! Prismacolor, watercolor, acrylic
Other Interests
Writing; animation; tHEATER