Favourite Visual Artist
Komi Naoshi(author of NISEKOI)
Favourite Movies
God bless america, terminator 2, Matrix... Dont reeally watch that many movie or care to remember them. XD
Favourite TV Shows
House M.D., Dexter, Jail break, Burn notice, Bones, 2 and a half men, Friends, Married with children, Castle
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Too many to pick, but ill name the few i'm listening currently: Neverwake, Hopsin, Diabolic, Dead celeberty status, Richy Nix, Evans blue.
Favourite Books
Generation x and Life after god, therapy, Farenheit 421
Favourite Writers
Douglas coupland
Favourite Games
League of legends I'm not that interested in modern games
Favourite Gaming Platform
ps2, but i use pc
Tools of the Trade
Intuos5, ink, papers, pencils, notepad
Other Interests
Main interest as of now would be manga, i have however in the past watched hundreds if not thousands of animes XD