Nekocon Cosplay WIP - TemmieAutumnTheCuzzy on DeviantArt

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Nekocon Cosplay WIP - Temmie



Here's a preview of my cosplay-in-progress I'm making for Nekocon. It's Temmie from Undertale!!

First of all, I'd like to thank DarkDragonTanis for making that awesome Tem flakes box!! The box itself is right here, and it's really awesome!! Go buy the template, it's worth it!! As you can see, I took it one step further by wrapping the outer shell around a fruity pebbles box, so yes Tem will have actual Tem Flakes!! Tem-Animated9 

I bought the shirt and pants from Goodwill (if it's gonna be warm that day, I have white leggings); the paws and ears I made by cutting up a giant teddy bear (once again from Goodwill) and sewing on felt/satin accents. The feet shown under the gloves I need to attach to plain white socks, then they'll be totally finished. All that's left is the tail, which I'm using the body of the dismembered bear for fur and an unraveled wire coat hanger for the inside. It'll attach via a loop to a white belt made from long white felt cloth... I hope to show the finished result soon!!
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© 2016 - 2025 AutumnTheCuzzy
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