Fancy Man Can Runautumni on DeviantArt

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Fancy Man Can Run



This is a character design I did for an animated 2008 Olympics TV spot... a little 15 second spot before an event. It was a school project and I was the team's character designer. We had a running event and Mr. Fancy here, is one of our sassy competitors. I have full turnarounds and other stuff for this guy but here's what I'm posting. I'm not sure if I'll post another design from this project... this guy is my favorite. I just kept piling the cheese on his personality and I always get smiles and snickers when I show this design.
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720x600px 121.19 KB
© 2008 - 2025 autumni
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axelalonso's avatar
It´s a fantastic fresh approach of character design, :star: ! the style like I said it´s reading in a new manner! Hurray for steeping forward an honest and and unique style! :clap: