Edeia: Dauntlessness [OPEN Adopt]Ausp-ice on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ausp-ice/art/Edeia-Dauntlessness-OPEN-Adopt-1141750993Ausp-ice

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Edeia: Dauntlessness [OPEN Adopt]


Badge Awards


"The world is not gentle or kind. Do not wait for others to save you or coddle you. Steel yourself, and seize your desires with your own will."

Edeia Batch 39!

Idea: Dauntlessness

Masterlist: #521

TH Profile

SB: 60 USD
AB: 110 USD 

AB upgrade options (you may pick one):
AB1: +20 USD: painting in any of my rough styles (your choice or up to me, which may be any style)
AB2: +30 USD: painting in any of my polished styles (your choice or up to me, which may be any polished style) 
ABE: +5 USD: minor design alteration, such as changing the color palette, adding markings, minor changes/additions to anatomy, etc. (Edits outside of ABE are 15+ USD)

Auctions will end 24 hours after the last bid, and you will have 48 hours to pay. If you fail to pay, then the auction will revert to the last bid with another 24-hour extension.
Please ping me if you autobuy.

The winner will be asked if they wish to specify or change the name, gender, and/or pronouns; afterwards, I will transfer the profile to you if you have a Toyhouse account. A TH account is not required, but I can procure invitations if desired. If this is your first Edeia, please be sure to read the Terms of Service.

Folders: Edeia | Adopts | Commissions

Tags: Custom Adopts | Notion Edeia | MYO Edeia

The Edeia are a closed species of mine.
They are manifestations of abstract concepts that have magical abilities based on their Idea.
Find out more on the site: www.edeia-ideation.com

See also: Open Adopts | Discord Server

Come join my Discord servers: The Auspicium (Stories/General) | Ideation (Edeia Closed Species)

Commission Info

Twitter | Tumblr | SoundCloud | Youtube | Artfight Profile | Toyhou.se

Please do not compare my work to other existing content;
here is an explanation of my feelings on the matter.

Image size
1953x1662px 4.19 MB
© 2025 Ausp-ice
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