Aurumion-Horse's avatar


Years Ago
40 Members179 Watchers

Comments 120

anonymous's avatar
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Hestrial's avatar

Hey, are you guys still open?

StartArtCharlie's avatar
can we still get one of these beautifulll horse breeds even when the group isn't active?
Cat-Bells's avatar

Yes! We are still open for imports, if you're interested :)

StartArtCharlie's avatar

ooo!, how do i import one?

DragonWolfDream's avatar
Hi! Is this group still active/open? Those horses are so gorgeous and i would love to start a arpg  stable with those gorgeous babies <3
Cat-Bells's avatar
Sorry for the late reply! DA refuses to give me group notifications, has been broken for quite a while :')

We are still open! For both customs and breeding! Regretfully we're not very active... Sorry
chihuahua4446's avatar
These are so cool! I’m really sorry but I see customs are open but I don’t see how to order one and the prices. Thank you!