AuraGombe's avatar


busy, busy girl. .w.
81 Watchers189 Deviations
Hello everyone!
It's been quite some time (again). D:
I'm sorry that I was super lazy and unactive in the last weeks. I have like 5-10 pictures started but nothing was finished yet. Yep, you can punch me now. >3>
I'm having summer break now until the end of August, so happy~~~ <3
So I'll really try to finish something, and of course there will be something, because of AnglaisRose who will be visiting my place in a few weeks. ;U;;; She'll force me to finish something. XD;;
I had an ear surgery yesterday and my head looks rather funny with that "bandage"-thingy now. (It isn't a bandage actually, just something simular to an let's call it an earpatch.)
Also, I'll most likely move on the 1st August.
I just want something new. And my style developed a lot in the last months, and yeah...I just need a change I guess. XD;;
I actually wanted to move this week already but with my and my grandpas Birthday coming up (27th and 28th) and my visit at a friends place from the 29th to the 31th, I'll only have time in August.
I hope I'll get my new Notebook soon btw, because we actually wanted to buy three months ago oTL;; .
Alright, that's all for now! I'll try to work on a picture now /ornocharacterreferences/, so...~

Have a nice day. C:

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Ugh. D:

2 min read
My journal titles get more creative with every journal!

Hey guys. :wave:

It is really warm here in Germany and there are like 25°C outside.
It's April.
APRIL. Why is it this warm, heeeck. ;_;

Well okay, I am quite busy these days again but I try to get a picture done every weekend.
I have no school today and tomorrow, so I'll do my best to draw something.
But unfortunately, school comes first.
I hate homeworks. T_____T
Right now I'm working on character references. They'll get interesting I think, I just have to get them done, mep.
But you'll definitely GET REFERENCES. Real once, like those for Loki and Elliot.

Also, I actually should work on an Art Trade Part and a Commission right now, but because of some reasons that's not possible atm. I hope to get that stuff done in a few weeks. D:

I watched "Hotarubi no Mori e" yesterday....OH GAWD IT'S SO SAD AND BOOTIFUL. ;___;
This movie is so touching, I recommand it to everyone who likes calm but still sad and romantic films.
So great. ;AAAA;

But alright...
How are you guys right now? :)
I hope you aren't as stressed as I am, hehe.

Have a nice day everyone! :la:
AuraGombe :heart:

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Tagged. v

3 min read
Got tagged by LadyKuraiArt

The Rules
1. You must post the rules.
2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them.
6. No tag backs
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "You're tagged if you're reading this". You legitimately have to tag 11 people.

1. My favourite Manga are Akagami no Shirayukihime and Soul Eatet.
2. My favourite animals are eagles, weasles, wolves and dogs. Oh and snow leopards. ;u;
3. I love to eat.
4. When I write stories, you will ALWAYS find characters that are siblings. I love sibling relationshipssss 8'D
5. I'm bad at writing about myself oTL.

The questions:
1. Do you like phone calls?

2. What's your favourite gaming platform?
Don't have one actually.

3. What's your favourite game?
The world ends with you. Okamiden. Portal 2 and Morrowind. ;u;
And Pokemon of course. 8D

4. Do you like Roleplaying?
Heck yeah.

5. Why (not)?
It's a great way to find new story concepts and it's super fun (when you write with the right persons. >n>)

6. How many OCs do you have?
9001. /loljk.
No...but more than 100 because of the large amount of stories I write.

7. What do you think about society?

8. Who is your favourite OC (of someone else) and why?
But there are so many I love. Duh. ;n;

9. What's your favourite movie/anime?
Movie: The hunger games; Most of the Pokemon Movies, too.
Anime: Soul Eater, Bleach, Shakugan no Shana, Ao no Exorcist and a lot more. ;u;

10. Do you like tags?
Depends on what. I don't mind being tagged but I dislike to tag somebody lol.

11. Show me your favourite stamp!
That's not even a question. D:<

My questions:
1. Are you reading a book at the moment?
2. If yes, which one?/If no, what was the last book you read?
3. What's your favourite animal?
4. Thick outlines or thinner ones?
5. Literature or drawing?
6. What's your favourite Manga?
7. What's your favourite food?
8. A song that suits you?
9. When you look at pictures on dA, do you read the artists comment?
10. Your favourite language?
11. Your favourite Anime/Manga/Book/Movie/Game character(s)?

Anyone who wants to do it can do it. Like I said, I don't like to tag people. D:

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1 min read
Well well, I won't be here until next Saturday guys.
And because I won't have internet where I go, I won't be able to reply any messages. ;n;

But I will draw, traditional most likely, because I couldn't find my little Bamboo tablet T___T
So I won't take my notebook with me.

HOWEVER, I'll draw something. 8D

To AnglaisRose
Mach dein Handy an, falls das schon wieder geht duh. D:

That was all. Love you guys! :heart:

See you soon!

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Grfhd. D:

2 min read
No, that's not a shortage or something. D:

Blah, I feel kind of bad right now. I mean physically lol. School and swimming practice are killing me atm. I wish I could just sleep for one day asdf. D:
It's just so mean. We write three tests on Friday. I mean, alright, I have a lunch break (and practice) after the first two, but heck, I hate chemistry. I'll just try to get most of the things for German and Music into my head. Musics...kind of easy I think? I already had the topic last year, when I was still at my old (and so much more loved ;_; ) school. It's alright. But German, oh gawd. It's more like history right now. And man. It. Is. So. Boring. And I don't get half of the tasks that new teacher gives us. I had an A in mid-term, I guess I'll get a C at the end of the year. I don't get that guy, bleeeh. Don't wanna. ;n;
Hope I'll pull through somehow and get a B in that stupid test. Seriously.

But I should stop ranting. Hope I can relax this weekend. Just a little bit.

I'm going to bed now. Sooooo tired. =.=

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It's been a while...again. TAT,, by AuraGombe, journal

Ugh. D: by AuraGombe, journal

Tagged. v by AuraGombe, journal

Awaaaayyy. by AuraGombe, journal

Grfhd. D: by AuraGombe, journal