Hello everyone!
It's been quite some time (again). D:
I'm sorry that I was super lazy and unactive in the last weeks. I have like 5-10 pictures started but nothing was finished yet. Yep, you can punch me now. >3>
I'm having summer break now until the end of August, so happy~~~ <3
So I'll really try to finish something, and of course there will be something, because of AnglaisRose who will be visiting my place in a few weeks. ;U;;; She'll force me to finish something. XD;;
I had an ear surgery yesterday and my head looks rather funny with that "bandage"-thingy now. (It isn't a bandage actually, just something simular to an eyepatch...so let's call it an earpatch.)
Also, I'll most likely move on the 1st August.
I just want something new. And my style developed a lot in the last months, and yeah...I just need a change I guess. XD;;
I actually wanted to move this week already but with my and my grandpas Birthday coming up (27th and 28th) and my visit at a friends place from the 29th to the 31th, I'll only have time in August.
I hope I'll get my new Notebook soon btw, because we actually wanted to buy it...like three months ago oTL;; .
Alright, that's all for now! I'll try to work on a picture now /ornocharacterreferences/, so...~
Have a nice day. C: