AuraGombe's avatar


busy, busy girl. .w.
81 Watchers189 Deviations
  • July 27
  • Germany
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (289)
My Bio

Current Residence: Germany :3
Favourite genre of music: Deathcore, Metalcore, Alternative, actually everyting xD"
Favourite style of art: Actually everything
Operating System: Windows XP, Vista and 7
MP3 player of choice: I-Pod Nano
Shell of choice: Nintendo DS, Computer, xBox, Playstation
Wallpaper of choice: Just colours,.sometimes with a transparent image on it
Favourite cartoon character: All Soul Eater characters, and almost all Bleach characters + other anime-characters
Personal Quote: Everyone earns a smile.

Favourite Visual Artist
Ken Sogimori, Tite Kubo, Atsushi Okubo
Favourite Movies
Many? x'D
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Fireflight, Falling Up, The Devil wears Prada, Matchbook Romance, ...
Favourite Writers
Trudi Canavan, J. K. Rowling
Favourite Games
Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Golden Sun, The Legend of Zelda, and others
Other Interests
Anime, Manga, Animation, Universe, and other things^^


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mach ich morgen. und ich hoffe da krieg ich auch dein Bild fertig. X_X
wtf...ich meinte "aber es STÖRT" Bobbz hat mich angesteckt. ;u;
pfft. xD

fast blind, wie oft noch. xD
ich habe etwas KURZES sehr LANG gefasst. xD"
2nd Advent: Freunde...
Ich meine das große braune auf dem weißen. :D:D
und Slender heißt schmaler duh.
hab ich ja geschrieben, dasses dein stil ist, aber es stirbt lol. >:3
nö, nich in meiner optik lol. xDD
is klar.^^

ICH DACHTE DAS IS GRASS DUH. denk dran, fast blind. xD *shotdead*
mensch, das ist kurz lang gefasst. xD

jaaah. xD

(nö xP)
2nd Advent: Freunde...
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

Okay, I told you that I wanted to wirte you a Critique, so here we go.~

Let's start with the 'bad things'.
I'll start with the front of the picture, with Mayas' head.
The first thing that irritates me is the eye. The pupil is set wrong, it has to be slender. It could be your style, buut it destroys the whole, pretty effect there.
The second thing is the "Pony is over the eye but you still see the pupil" thing, you know what I mean, don't you?

Now let's go further.
The scarf...yeah, the shading is a bit wrong. Don't know how to call it, but there is a fold, and at the end of the no shade at all. I've never seen something like that before. And there could be more folds by the way.

Body and Legs are the next points:
Well, the only thing I see is the hindleg. I miss a line there, or a stronger shade where you see that she is sitting...*don't know how to explain it*...ah well, here is a redline: [link]

Nothing more with the Body, now the Tail...
Yes, I know that Mayas' tail is pretty long, but even if it is long, it don't has to fall down like that. It's like paper that you creased, sorry but really, it looks like that for me.

The Background is pretty simple I know, but you could do the grass a bit more straight next time, okay? =3
(I still wonder why you drew grass btw, there is snow everywhere outside here you know. XD)

And if there is a 'bad' part, there always is a good part.
asdf I love this damn rock in the foreground! I LOVE it! You drew it so nice and rocky and, and...Q_Q yeah. xD
Actually the whole picture is nice, I love the idea and the slogan on it. If I say so, I love this picture, even if there are some mistakes, but you don't have to care. 8D

Vision: 3,5 Stars, because you got the slogan right in the picture, but it isn't really an advent picture. ^^"
Originality: 3,5 Stars, because it's kinda a new style and I like the idea, but yeah...something is irritating me here lol.
Technique: *too lazy to write that here now sorry. ._.*
Impact: Just can say that I love the idea, and it really made me thank about my friends.

I'm looking forward to your next pictures. ^-^
(hope 519 words are enough. oô)

~ =AuraGombe

PS: Sorry for grammar and spelling fails.
2nd Advent: Freunde...
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

Okay, this is my first Critique in English, so sorry for the grammar fail. xD"

Let's start. =3

First, I like the colouration of the shaman-stick thingy and of the clothes. xD
But (I already told you) the legs are too er...fed. xD"
The hands are cool, I know you had a reference, but they're cool. But I have to say that would shad them different. especially the right one.
I know you had really big proglems with the legs, but they are actually like human legs you know. xD
Oh oh, and some of the "eye white" got on the hair colour. (dunno how to write this. sorry. D: ).
and the horns, I think it is a bit unrealistic that they are so thin at the start...

but who cares? xDD

nooow to the gould things. *-*
I love how you coloured that weapon...I love it. <333
and the shoulder-thingy (whatever). xD it's awesome. Q_Q
and you know that I love Janes' face, it fits her character so much. x33

thank you <333
I love it, and you can draw draenei very well. <33
:RQ: Happy B-day xD
:star::star::star::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Impact


Okay, das ist die erste Kritik die ich je geschrieben hab, also nimms mir bitte nich übel, ich versteh die Teile am Rand nicht so gut. xD"

Also, ich sollte mal anfangen:

Zuerst fällt mir auf, dass die OLs manchmal etwas krakelig sind, was aber vermutlich an deinem Stil liegt.
Außerdem hast du oft/öfters übermalt, dass lässt das Ganze irgendwie schmierig wirken.
Was mir auch auffällt, ist, dass der vordere Arm zu lang ist. Und irgendwie sehen die Falten an der Hose lol aus. xD
Außerdem siehts nen bisschen anormal aus, wie der schweif aus der Hose rauskommt, aber ich selbst hab keinen blassen Schimmer wie man das anders machen sollte. 8D
Und zu den Händen will ich mal nichts sagen, das können wir beide nich wirklich. xD

Nun zum Gutem :3 :
Ich find die Farbgebung toll, vorallem das Blau und das Grau, das hast du schön ausgesucht. Ich will ihre Schuhe haben. D: xDD
Irgendwie finde ich auch den BG toll, der hats' mir angetan. Allgemein ist das Design toll - Es ist sehr simpel, aber die Gesamtwirkung ist umso besser.

Fazit: Alles im Allem ist das wirklich ein gelungenes Bild, auch mit den Paar Punkten die ich kritisiert habe. :3
Hast du echt schön hinbekommen, und yay 4 Blau. >D

Ich hoffe es ist ordentlich geworden, ich bin nochn bisschen müde. D:

(Sorry that this thing is written in German. D: )
Mirage the Hedgehog