Aura-Kingdom's avatar


Fantasy Frontier Online
Years Ago
207 Members188 Watchers

Comments 94

anonymous's avatar
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Great that theres a fanfiction Folder! I Play the mobile Version of it btw.
IrisSonata's avatar
I have an actual Aura Kingdom FanArt this time if you want to add that to the FanArt area. XD Took me awhile to finish lol. Idk how to share it though so I guess you can find it easy on my page and request like before? Besides the newly colored "Curry me Sempai" I "should" have another one with eidolons in it this time later to be done~ With my chara! *having fun*
Jacziel's avatar
Sorry for the late response! Since this group is not my featured, I tend to forget about it and I've been sick recently ^^;
I've sent a gallery submission request but from this point onwards it should be you who submits it to the gallery :)
IrisSonata's avatar
Sure! I couldnt find where or how before XD but once I finish another (if ever) i'll try and find it~ Thank you!
NightmareCaster's avatar
Could you please Fix the Cosplay folder so people can submit there cosplay stuff into it.
Jacziel's avatar
Fixed now! Thank you for letting us know :)
missjumpcity's avatar
might I suggest a Halloween cosplay as our avatars contest