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AtomicKawaii on DeviantArt
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Madoka Magica is my favorite anime of all time.
I feel like it literally set a new level for magical girl anime.
This was actually a reward for my community from my birthday subathon on my Twitch channel back in May!
I had always wanted to do more Madoka artwork, but I put an intense amount of pressure on myself to make it PERFECT because it's my fave so I just kept feeling like it was never good enough.
Do you ever feel that way about drawing your faves?
I feel like it literally set a new level for magical girl anime.
This was actually a reward for my community from my birthday subathon on my Twitch channel back in May!
I had always wanted to do more Madoka artwork, but I put an intense amount of pressure on myself to make it PERFECT because it's my fave so I just kept feeling like it was never good enough.
Do you ever feel that way about drawing your faves?
Come join my Ko-fi for even more art and exclusive monthly rewards!
Did you know I stream on Twitch? Come chill sometime <3
Image size
3300x3300px 7.76 MB
© 2023 - 2025 AtomicKawaii
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