One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest

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athenaRules's avatar
So took a road trip north to see elder son in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest".  It was a great production and as always seeing him work has been one of the greatest joys of my life.  Unfortunately, the part he acts in the play is the mother issue filled Billy Bibbit-tormented soul that ends up killing himself.  That was a trial as his mom to watch...We went out with the cast afterward then I got to spend the night with him and his room mates.  They were great hosts and I learned how to wii bowl, they made French toast for breakfast, scrubbed the shower, got me coffee and let me me sleep in the "real" bed.  Great guys all.

Pre-play as elder son was getting ready, I hoofed it down to the local pub, always a interesting social activity in a town you dont' live in.  Met a total weirdo, Santa hat on, kind of annoying, I think he might have had some issues.  Then talked to a very interesting Objibiwa woman.  She had some really great stories about her heritage and ritual.  We talked about growing sage, painting, and dancing.  

I spent 6 hours on the road and it's so funny what your mind hashes over on long drives, I have more long drives this week for work, wonder what will churn up. Memories, little tailismans of possible poems, other road trips, the strange siren call of just driving until you run out road, the to do lists, the things that you have not thought of in decades.  

I have a yoga class starting up in a couple of weeks, I am excited about teaching again.  I am trying to build a small private session practice for some folks.  I am painting but that too has to be scheduled, I have not been riding this month, either work, travel or weather made it impossible.  I miss it.  I miss having Mabel, I miss her company, I miss how happy having A horse in my life made me happy. I might have a gig riding a horse for a friend, not sure if we can work it out but that would be nice.

I want to write poems, but they just are not "there" yet, I keep trying to be patient, I hoping if I busy myself with other things they will show up.  

Hope you are well and happy and finding your way.

Peace Love and don't stay too long in the Cuckoo nest.


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Nimbus9's avatar
It's tough, sometimes the well's deep but the bucket's broken.