athenaRules's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

  • United States
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (5)
My Bio

Current Residence: A house in the country.
Favourite genre of music: Most things will fit in my ear.
MP3 player of choice: i-Pod
Wallpaper of choice: the paint that missed my canvas
Skin of choice: What will shed when it should.
Personal Quote: I need a handi-wipe for my soul.

Favourite Visual Artist
Turner, Beuys, Delaroche
Favourite Movies
The Red Violin, The World according to Garp, Great Expectations, Long Kiss Goodnight
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Tori Amos
Favourite Writers
Jim Harrison Erica Jong
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Low enough so you can't see up my skirt.
Tools of the Trade
Paint, toxic chemicals, the muse that kisses me.
Other Interests
Painting riding reading yoga wine
So thought I would make an appearance and post a few of my newer things. Say "hi".  Waiting for Michigan winter to come to an end and to start Spring.Riding my horse a lot, painting, teaching yoga, taking walks in the woods and trying not to drink my wine collection, which frankly is small, but I have high hopes :)I hope all is well and good.Sonja
anonymous's avatar
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So, let's has truly been awhile since I have posed a peep or sigh here.  I think most of it went so fast, that an update would have been ridiculous.  So many of the people that I really enjoyed interacting with have left, been banned or just vanished.  Some may not really even remember me ever being here, that's okay, I am not offended or hurt, they probably wonder if I remembered them.  I do, out of sight does not mean out of mind.  So if any of you from yesterday (year) are still there.  Here is the update.  I finally, blessedly left my corporate job.  I have yoga studio in my home I teach in.  I have an art studio down the hall...
anonymous's avatar
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So took a road trip north to see elder son in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest".  It was a great production and as always seeing him work has been one of the greatest joys of my life.  Unfortunately, the part he acts in the play is the mother issue filled Billy Bibbit-tormented soul that ends up killing himself.  That was a trial as his mom to watch...We went out with the cast afterward then I got to spend the night with him and his room mates.  They were great hosts and I learned how to wii bowl, they made French toast for breakfast, scrubbed the shower, got me coffee and let me me sleep in the "real" bed.  Great guys all.Pre-play as elde...
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 352

anonymous's avatar
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WicasaWakan's avatar
Wish I'd contacted you before I went up to MI last month. It would have been cool to stop in to say hi. You are in MI right?
Silvareiel's avatar
Hi :wave:

Amazing work.
Loved your gallery :heart:
bmoss's avatar
thanks for the kind favoriting, m'lady! :)
spectabillis's avatar
beelzebub called, aparantly the open market exchange for souls has gone down lately. so unless your over extended on a mortgage i wouldnt worry, its the souls of sub-prime lenders that he's overstocked on now and he offered me a two-for-one deal.
StuartR's avatar
I hope you don't mind, but your sig kind of inspired me to write a wee story...
athenaRules's avatar
Hey if any little anything can be an inspiration, and is even vaguely connected to my being, I am happy to be a part of it.
StuartR's avatar
Hehe, thanks! :D