I Heart Project A-Ko.Atariboy2600 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/atariboy2600/art/I-Heart-Project-A-Ko-478187069Atariboy2600

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I Heart Project A-Ko.



I can't hold it in any longer I need, nay I MUST tell somebody on this and that is I LOVE Project A-ko as far back as I saw it in a local town theater that show foreign films and one day in 1986 I was 14 years old and got to see history in the making. To this day I still have many A-ko items from comics, posters soundtrack CDs and all the VHS and later DVDs. Then after learning how to use Inkscape vector program I wanted to do a GOOD A-ko fan pic and I know its may not be as good as the real thing but like Jack Black saids "This is just a Tribute" to maybe THE only anime I love so dearly that try my level best to make this fan pic back in 2012. In fax so in love  every time I play this song from the movie I get goosebumps - www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjbT1a…

Its the Anime to which all others are compared. No..... it's THE COLONEL!!! so f***ing GOOD! They don't make anime like this anymore. Its my favorite classic anime ever! Some things I think some of folks are missing...
1) This anime is essentially a PARODY movie. Most of the humor value is based on reference humor and silliness. That's why it's so "generic" and over-the-top. It's supposed to be too ridiculous to be taken seriously.
Just look at the 3 main character's names.

It revolves around three girls, A-ko, B-ko, and C-ko, (references to the Japanese custom of listing film extras as “A”, B” “C”, etc,… Thus A-ko, B-ko and C-ko are literally “girl A”, “girl B” and “girl C”) who all attend Graviton High School for Girls. A-ko is easily the strongest being on the planet. However, A-ko considers herself to be perfectly normal, and worries mostly about getting to school on time. Her best friend is Shiiko (or, “C-ko”) Kotobuki. The two girls have just transferred to Graviton High School and catch the attention of Biko (or, “B-ko”) Daitokuji, a brilliant (but spoiled-rotten) classmate with a knack for building mecha in no time flat.

B-ko develops an unexpected crush on the innocent C-ko, and is determined to get A-ko out of the picture at any cost. Her determination goes from being merely obsessive to homicidal when she realizes that she and A-ko were rivals back in kindergarten, and creates a series of killer mecha to defeat A-ko before the morning bell rings. All of them are destroyed effortlessly by A-ko. In a final attempt at victory, B-ko makes the fight more personal by donning her infamous Akagiyama-23 battlesuit and challenging A-ko to a “fight to the finish” that devastates the school and parts of Graviton City.

Meanwhile, Earth is being threatened by an massive spaceship from the aliens of the Lepton Kingdom of Alpha-Cygni, who have come to Earth to retrieve their long-lost princess, who turns out, oddly enough, to be C-ko. B-ko teams up with A-ko to rescue C-ko from the clutches of the crossdressing alcoholic aliens (I love that phrase!), there’s a massive fight, the ship crashes, and A-ko, B-ko and C-ko get home safe having saved the day.

At the end of the film, a brief glimpse of A-ko’s parents is shown. They appear to be American superheroes Clark Kent and Diana Prince, better known as Superman and Wonder Woman. This, apparently, explains why A-ko has such superhuman abilities. Their presence in Japan goes unexplained. But none of this quite explains B-ko’s superhuman intelligence, C-ko’s strange appeal, or the general weirdness that occurs around the trio.

BTW Some ask how long it took to do this pic? Just under two days.

I Heart Gallery.
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© 2014 - 2025 Atariboy2600
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djclogan's avatar

Hell yeah, I just rediscovered this after 30 years, only saw it once on some Saturday morning.  Talk about a core memory