All of my friends
Good friends
Going through fucking fucking fuck
Like fucking fucking fucking hard shit
We spent 2 years together
In a dream
That we never could have imagined
The dream provided us with comfort
Except that the dream was real
We were all having fun
In the mental health rehab centre
When they first saw me, they thought that I was crook
Not a criminal
But really crooked inside
They all know that I feel happy inside
But they also know that inside I feel miserable
Deathly miserable
They all had their problems as well
But mine was the worst
By far
Even though I was completely innocent
They knew that I was an angel
One by one we left the dream
And went back to the crushing day-to-day reality
But I had to leave first
Through the worst circumstance ever
But they still remember me to this day
4 years later
I had a long text conversation with my best friend from there
We became fast friends
Like we were both in a bullet train
Going off into a dream
They seek inspiration
A billion dreams
And a billion more
Sits in my head
Waiting to run out
Why do I have a billion dreams?
I don't know
Because I only found out today
That I have a billion dreams
And maybe a billion more
I'm still a kid
In wonder
That's probably why I have a billion dreams
And a billion more
All of my friends
Good friends
Going through fucking fucking fuck
Like fucking fucking fucking hard shit
We spent 2 years together
In a dream
That we never could have imagined
The dream provided us with comfort
Except that the dream was real
We were all having fun
In the mental health rehab centre
When they first saw me, they thought that I was crook
Not a criminal
But really crooked inside
They all know that I feel happy inside
But they also know that inside I feel miserable
Deathly miserable
They all had their problems as well
But mine was the worst
By far
Even though I was completely innocent
They knew that I was an angel
One by one we left the dream
And went back to the crushing day-to-day reality
But I had to leave first
Through the worst circumstance ever
But they still remember me to this day
4 years later
I had a long text conversation with my best friend from there
We became fast friends
Like we were both in a bullet train
Going off into a dream
They seek inspiration
YCH Showcase - October 2024 by AlexanderPaupoff, journal
YCH Showcase - October 2024
YCH artists don't just create art; they ignite your imagination with boundless possibilities. With each stroke of their pencil or brush, they sketch a scene, a moment, a pose that invites you to envision your character within it. It's not merely a commission; it's a collaborative journey where you and the artist co-author an unforgettable experience for your character.
Welcome to this monthly feature where we spotlight the exceptional talents of YCH artists and their inspired creations. We invite you to immerse yourself in the imaginative worlds they've crafted for characters like yours. And, who knows? You might just discover a space for your own character to shine within their art!
's prolific gallery showcases a diverse mix of expressive and dynamic YCH poses, often centered around fantasy themes. Her art style blends soft, eye-catching shading with playful and elegant details that bring her creations to life.
Completed examples
's YCH art stands out for its
What is YCH?
The initials YCH stand for 'Your Character Here'.
It's a special kind of commission where an artist creates a base/ pose/ scene featuring a stand-in figure for sale. This is often sold at a set price or set up for auction. Once it's sold, the buyer's character will be drawn in place of the stand-in figure.
Here's an example from to illustrate this further, featuring the YCH auction on the left and the completed YCH featuring the buyer's character on the right.
Are the line art/ bases for YCH commission open for use?
No. Line art or bases that are part of a YCH commission offered by an artist are not bases that can be used by others either for free or for a fee. They are meant solely for the use of the original artist.
Bases on DeviantArt that can be used by others (either for personal or commercial use) are usually titled or clearly marked as free to use (F2U/ FTU) or pay to use (P2U/ PTU) bases. Even then, not all artists allow their bases to be used for YCH