asyla's avatar


never gets enough sleep.
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Deviation Spotlight

Llama: Llamas are awesome! (8)
My Bio

Operating System: Windows Vista
MP3 player of choice: iTunes (slave to my iPod)
Skin of choice: own?

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
imogen heap, voxtrot, phoenix, jason mraz
Favourite Writers
Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson
Favourite Games
katamari anything, DDR, super smash bros, wiisports.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Pencils. Intuos 3. LOTS of erasers.
Other Interests
entertaining my sadistic nature.
Aaand...two years later, another post to say that I'm still not dead! Contrary to popular belief. (I just read my profile and apparently I've been on dA for 6 years now...holy crap. I did NOT realize it's been that long...)School has effectively killed most of my artistic endeavors -- something I attempt to remedy over the summer. I have a bunch of things I drew in classes at the Academy of Art in San Francisco last summer that need posting, and odds and ends that I did manage to complete during the school year as well. :P And pictures from my trip to Argentina! That country is breathtakingly beautiful.Just making a small journal post to s...
anonymous's avatar
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Wow, it's really been forever since I've touched this thing. D:I've been super busy...and without a scanner for almost a year now XD Which would explain the lack of drawings. But I have one! A shiny new one that my parents bought for me to take to college.Actually my life's been pretty crazy lately. I'm in college and slowly collapsing beneath the weight of midterms and chemistry labs and the like. But dorm life is amazing, and really conducive to drawing! Expect lots of new stuff (when I can remember to scan it, haha). :3 I'm loving college, even if I'm not necessarily loving the work I have to do for it.Posting to say I'm not dead (yet...
anonymous's avatar
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and with any luck, a year that'll bring lots of exciting, new things for everyone! :) happy new year!! i'm way excited for 2007, for a lot of reasons. i'll be a senior at the end of this year (scary thought), i'll hopefully be a better artist, and i'll hopefully have learned to finally be a productive person! which is what my main resolution for this year should be, really - to be more productive. :Pi hope all of you had a fantastic night last night, and, if you partied like crazy, at least had someone more sober than you to lead you back home. :] :heart:oh! if you have a resolution (that you don't mind posting) tell me about it! i'd love...
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mementomoryo's avatar
hey! check this out! I just saw who my Secret VALENTINE WAS !! it really works.. see who your VALENTINE is just CLICK HERE
VaMpI-SaN's avatar
amazing art ^^
mero-ix's avatar
Hello ~ ! ! x3
cynicalplushie's avatar
Hello there! Alina showed me your dA. (I'm her suite-mate at school xD) We were both admiring your lovely work! You have an amazing gallery. I'm sure you get it a lot, but I think I'm thoroughly smitten with your style. Fantastic work <3
admhire's avatar
I dropped by to say hello; just looking through your work, really, and admiring your style. [smile] Hope you're well.
aurastiina's avatar
I was bored and looked back to my "Devious Thoughts"-messageboards. Found a message by you from 2004 or so.

I really like your resent artwork, I'll give it a watch =)